Season 3 - 11

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(hasn't been re-read)

After persuading Tasha that we should start in Pink street for hours, we eventually ended up pulling up outside a pub there. "You stay in the car, this is a rough area and you look too...." I say to her.
"Posh." She pouts.
I roll my eyes and nod, hopping out the car and turning to the pub.

I would've assumed the pub was abandoned if I didn't hear loud music and chanting as soon as I got out the car. I push my way in and over to the bar, ignoring dirty looks I got off a group of girls by the entrance. I try to blend in at first, so I go to the bar.
"What can I get ya love?" A tall-slender red headed woman asked. I blink at her.
"Um, just a half pint of coke." I say nervously as a great big old greasy man turned to grin at me, bearing his remaining teeth amongst two gold ones.
I grimace as I pay the lady and politely take a sip of the drink.
"I've never see you round ere' before." A man says in a thick Manchester accent.
I giggle nervously and scan my eyes round the pub, wondering where to start.
"I wouldn't do that in here." The man said.
I face him properly, intrigued.
"Why not?" I say.
"This is a pub for people who don't want to be found." He chuckles a dirty laugh, wheezing almost as it came to a halt.
"Who says I want to be found?" I protest.
"The fact yer' lookin." He smiles.
I look away. He speaks again.
"A young lad got imself' in a little trouble not long ago, looking around in here...what was his name now?" He says, trying to recall the name of the irrelevant name.
I roll my eyes and go to leave the pub.
"Majes Butcher." He said.
I stood dead in my tracks.

Majes Butcher.
James Cook.

"Majes...h- he's mother is looking for him..our father has recently died." I lied.
"Oh he's long gone now darlin' , wouldn't be surprised if he was dead at the bottom of the canal with the state he was in." He howled with laughter.
I scowl at him.
"Where is the nearest canal?" I ask. 
"Marple." I replies, flicking a ten pence coin into the air and catching it on the back of his hand, he peers at it.
"Tails...he's alive, but not for long in this cold weather." He grimaced.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask.
"Seen him pissed up at the canal in the bushes, that's where I liv-"

I'm out the door and in the car before the gross man could finish his speech. I pull my phone out and punch Marple canal into google maps.
"Don't ask questions, just drive." I say to Tasha.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now