6. Sex, Alcohol, Weed and Glass.

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I could hear my mom fucking her new boyfriend as I applied eyeliner to my eyes.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I bellowed, turning up my speaker which was blasting 505 by the Arctic Monkeys. I nod my head at the beat drop, satisfied that I could no longer hear my mother from the next room.

I roll my eyes, pulling on a dark red dress over my fishnet top. The dress fit the curves on my body nicely, which I usually like to hide - but I planned on getting so drunk that I didn't care.
I chug a bottle of vodka that me and Effy had stolen from a shop earlier that day. I shake my head and pull a face at the burn as the liquor passed down my throat, then smile in amusement.
I pull on a leather jacket and some boots before running downstairs and leaving the house - leaving my music on to annoy my mother. I hear my music from outside the house as I throw stones at Effy's window, trying to get her to come out.
The window shot open.
"Got the weed?" She said, her Brunette head had emerged under the window frame.
I hold up a bag of weed that I had in my pocket.
She grinned and slammed the window shut, turning and leaving her room. Seconds later she reappeared at the front door, slamming it shut behind her.
"Is Freddie's dick big?" She said.
I didn't laugh at her randomness or bluntness, as I was the same.
"Massive." I say.
We look at each other in laughter, now walking up the street.
"I don't understand why you don't make your move Eff." I say once we had stopped laughing.
She took a swing of her vodka and then shrugged.
"I can't." She says.
"Not this again Eff, you need to let someone love you." I say.
"But they always hurt me." She replied.
I look at her.
"I love you, and I'd never hurt you." I say, adding a tone of seriousness to my voice.
"I know, but it's different..." She said.
I look at her, and our overly lined-eyes meet.
"You know that's not true, you don't like the vulnerability Eff, grow some balls." I say bluntly.
She laughs, taking another swig of vodka.
"Eff-Balls." She says at random.
We burst out in fits of laughter, only finishing once we were stood outside Freddie's gate.

The sound of music caused vibrations to go through my body. I hear drum and bass father begins to play. Me and Effy look at each other then suddenly scuffle to get in the house before the words start.
We burst into the shed shouting the words.
"I am a drum n bass fava'!" We scream.
"Gully like gaza!" Cook joined in, jumping up and down.
"Don't wear Gucci, don't wear Prada!" Everyone screamed, bouncing up and down in the shed.

An hour later and everyone was fried and violently drunk. I notice Effy and Freddie standing in a corner, Freddie with a serious look on his face. I scan around the room to see what Cook was doing, then notice neither he nor Panda were present. My heart dropped.
I see Thomas sitting on a chair on his own in a corner.
I go over to him.
"Thomas I-" I begin. But he cuts me off.
"I know, I caught them." He says.
"Oh," I say. Thomas' face remained neutral.
"She does not deserve a friend like you." He said, signalling me to sit down next to him.
"She doesn't deserve a boyfriend like you...wait...have you said anything to her?" I voice.
"No, not yet - I would appreciate it if you could perhaps keep this conversation between the two of us." Thomas said.
"No problem Tommo," I say, hugging him "I'll be back in a sec, just popping to the loo."

I stand up and walk to the shed.
I lean my head against it, pulling a spliff out of my pocket and lighting it. I smoke the whole thing and stomp it out under my shoe, feeling it hit me as I start to go inside the house to use the toilet.
I hear moaning coming from the toilet.
I roll my eyes and walk away, realising who it was in there.
I stomp back out of the house.
I hear moaning again in the living room.
Confused, I peek through the crack of the door and see Panda bouncing on top of Cook, her pigtails bouncing up and down. Cook looked bored.
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. But then it hit me. If Cook and Panda aren't in the bathroom then who is?
I walk into the living room arms crossed.
"Ahem!" I say.
Panda turned to look at me in horror.
"Slut." I say, pushing her slightly so she toppled off of Cook.
"No, wait-" A voice muttered.
It wasn't Panda's.
It was Cooks.
"I- I..." He said.
"You what?" I snap.
Cook spluttered for words, but I scoffed and walked out of the room and back to the shed.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now