Season 2 - 13.

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I took Effy to the park this morning. I was nervous, but I'd planned to make her my girlfriend.

As we sat down on the blanket I'd bought, I realised she had an unreadable, blank expression on her face. I smiled at her, hoping she'd return it so I didn't have to bear looking at her with an emotionless face. I reached into the the Tesco bag I'd bought and hesitantly pulled out the bunch of daffodils I had bought her. "I-I thought I'd get you some flowers, I wasn't sure you'd like roses, so I got you these." I blurted, swallowing away the nervousness that was making my body feel like a rusty car that needed oil.
Colour flushed into her pale face as she accepted the flowers I'd bought her. She observed them for a moment, taking the time to run her fingers over the petals before she spoke. "I hate roses, I think they're cliché." A big cheesy grin grew on my face as If my lips being pulled my string. I turned to try and hide my face, embarrassed that I was chuffed about some flowers.
"I have some other things as well, I was trying to go with a yellow theme to match the flowers...but I gave up in the end" I spluttered nervously whilst laying out cut up pineapple, some bananas, lemon tarts into one pile and putting strawberries, orange juice, sandwiches and crisps on another.
Before I could say anything else she put her hand on my hand which was shaking. "Thankyou Freddie, I love everything." She Comforted, before leaning forward and placing a warm chaste kiss on my cheek. A wave of warmth invaded my body fulfilling every single corner. I admired her face as she sat back in her spot, the way the sun shone behind her as if she was the sun herself - like she was the one brightening up the world. She surely brightened my world.

After the picnic I asked if she'd like to watch a film at my house and she agreed so we set off, walking in complete silence. Nice silence. When we were nearly there I felt her hand slip into mine. I smiled down at our bodies touching. She was looking around the street of pretty houses admiringly like she had so naturally slipped her hand into mine, like it was something of second nature to her. That's when I remembered my question.
"So Eff, I was wondering-" I started.
"Yes. whatever it is...yes." She smiled.
"But you don't know what it is yet." I protested.
"I'm being spontaneous." She smiled her addictive smile and cutlet scrunched her nose before giggling. I loved the way she leaned towards me as she laughed, as if she needed to be near me as she felt a happy surge. I wanted to make this girl happy. She deserved to be happy. It hurt me so much that she hurts how my mom did, I'm going to do anything in my power to make this girl see the yellow's in the world and not the grey. Without thinking I put my hand behind her neck and gently pulled her face towards mine, planting the most soft and filled-with-love kiss on her lips I could possibly conjure.
"Yes I will be your girlfriend Freddie, I'll let you love me, I want you to." She whispered.
I kissed her forehead and held her hand to carry on walking.
"We'll live in that house over there!" She said, pointing at a small white house with green vines growing over a fraction of it, pretty and dainty colourful flowers were planted in the front garden.
"Yes. 2 kids?" I replied.
"2 kids." She confirmed.

I still remember the first time I laid my eyes on Effy.


"I couldn't care less if I have my first day of college today, by force I will be drinking my morning pint wether it kills me or not." Cook nodded, placing his 'morning pint' on the table.
"But Cook, what if you get drunk?" JJ panicked.
"Off one pint? what do you take me for?" Cook replied. I chuckled at my best friends before a flash of silver and green appeared before us.
"Oh fucking...tit wank bollocks fuck shit!" A man in a suit blubbered as he stepped out of his car and stormed to towards an old lady and shouted about a bike. "She's fit." Cook said in a taken aback voice.
I looked at him oddly.
"The old lady?" I questioned.
"No you ball bag, her!" He said, nodding towards a girl who was sat in the front seat of the car. She puffed a cigarette and locked her blue eyes on my brown ones.
"That girl's looking at you, Freddie." JJ chimed.
I nodded slowly. "Yeah."
"Or maybe she's looking at me." JJ grinned
"She's not looking at you JJ." I chuckled.
The smile slowly disappeared of his face before he said "Okay...she's got nice hair."
I agreed.
"She's got nice hair, and nice eyes...and nice breasts probably." He spoke again.
"Shut up, JJ." I spoke.
"Nipples." He spat out.
I was still watching her as she watched me and tapped the ash off her cigarette.
"We'll just imagine her bottom, she's absolutely lovely." He went on.
I ignored him, now turning my attention on the fact that Cook was no longer in his seat.

"Oh for fuck- right, I want your mobile number." The dad of the pretty girl shouted, reaching in his pocket to pull out a phone.
"I don't have one!" The old lady exclaimed back.
"Well I want an email address then, look at the state of my fucking car, you must've seen something you demented bint!" He spat, waving his arms at the crashed car before the both of them.
That's when Cook appeared with red stuff all down his face.
"Arrrr, what happened?" He said, hand pressed to his jeans and walking towards the angry man.
"Is that your bike you fucking idiot?" The man asked, laying onto Cook now.
"I was signalling you, you just kept coming!" Cook lied.
I noticed a bottle of ketchup on its side on the table, I glanced back between the bottle and Cook, figuring out what he'd done, laughing to myself.
"I didn't even see you for fucks sake, you came out of nowhere!" The man replied.
"I was trying to make you see me, you just kept coming man!" Cook fake-pleaded.
The man looked perplexed before he said. "No, that's bollocks, now list-"
"You've fucked my bike! you just went straight through!" Cook said, dramatically clutching his ketchup covered head.
"No! that is not right!" The man said, half convinced, half non-convinced. "You haven't got a witness..."
Cook lifted his head to look at the man.
"Nobody saw me knock you off your bike!"
"I did!" The old lady piped up, a mischievous look painted across her face. The man turned around, perplexed.
"It were just like he said, you ran him over and now he's bleedin'!" The last spoke in her thick Bristol accent, going along with Cook fake story.
"Profusely!" Cook added. "Perhaps we should call the police then, I think it's a crime-"
"No no no no no no! no need for that, I'm sure we can sort this out and er...let me buy you a new bike." He spoke.
But Cook didn't seem interested as he stared at the girl in the car and she stared back.
He seemed to be not listening as the mad wafted money in his face and demanded he took it. Cook snapped out of his gaze as the man slammed notes into his hands desperately.
"Oh go on! have the lot! BOLLOCKS! forgive and forget!" He said, turning between the man and the old lady who now had a tall and hunk lad stood behind her.
"Everything alright gran?" He asked the lady.
"Oh yeah...just like...problem all sorted out now, yes." The man said, suddenly very calm.

I turned my attention away from the situation and the girl out out the the door and shut the door. She walked towards Cook, a small smirk across her beautiful face. She stuck her finger in the ketchup on his face and stuck it in her mouth as Cook watched intently. "Sweet." She smiled.
She looked at me and winked.
In that moment I knew I had to make this girl mine.
My were eyes fixated on her as she strutted of, half of her bum cheeks peeking out under her tiny shorts.
"Dad says some things are better left up to imagination, but that's not right, is it?" JJ spoke.
"Your dad's a stupid tosser JJ." Cook said brutally.
I didn't say a word as I watched the girl of my dreams sashay away.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now