13. Cook being a cock.

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A month down the line and Cook was wasting away with pints and weed. A stranger could offer him drugs and he'd accept them no questions asked. All he wanted to do was shag and party. I was growing bored of this dynamic. After I'd spent all of this time working my ass off to make his apartment nice for him.

"Don't you wanna come out Princess?" Cook says, pushing a lighter in his pocket and ramming his feet into his converse. I shot him a look. He held his arms up in surrender. "Hey now girl, you not even up for some of this dick, it's daddy-sized?" He said, now kissing up my neck behind me. I roll my eyes and walk over to the fridge to see if Cook had done the food shop I asked him to do.  When I opened the fridge I saw 3 tins of carling and lime that had grown fur. "For fucks SAKE Cook!" I hiss, slamming the door shut. I turn around to Cook who was smirking at me. I cross my arms and eye him furiously.
"What've I done now?" He says, walking over to me, grabbing my chin and planting a kiss on my lips.
"We've got nothing to eat tonight." I say, pulling my face away from his.
"Oh I do," Cook says, placing two fingers up and flicking his tongue up and down between them.
"It's not funny Cook." I say.
"We're going out tonight, I'll buy you a kebab." He says, trying to kiss me again.
"No, we need to eat healthier." I say, swerving his lips "and please don't go out tonight." I coo. 
Cook laughs at this.
"It's quiz night up the pub babe, and it's time for me to go." He says.
I roll my eyes.
Cook kissed me and then slapped my bum before heading out the door.
I huff and slam myself on the sofa. Alone in this tiny stupid place again. 

Third Person POV:

Cook strolled down the street screaming the lyrics to the ace of spades. The yellow reflection of the streetlights lit up the roads of Bristol as he stumbled over a drain whilst turning a street corner. Cook hadn't understood why his girlfriend was being such a bore recently, it was like she didn't want him to have a life anymore. He chuckled to himself as he saw the weasley man, Johnny White, scatter across the street.
"Oi oi Johnny, still shitting yourself after eating that hot pepper!" He called across the road.
Before Johnny could open his mouth Cook made farting noises.
Johnny hurried away quickly, darting down a road Cook knew was actually a dead end.
Cook howled with laughter and continued his walk to the pub.

When Cook finally arrived everyone cheered when he walked in. This pleased Cook, however, he was disappointed to see that no one had bought him a drink ready for his arrival. It displeased Cook further when everyone asked where his girlfriend was about a million times. "She's at home alright, can't hack the sesh no more." Cook chuckled, before gargling down four pints. He couldn't help but notice Naomi Campbell giving him a disgusted look. "Problem Noames? thought you and Emily would be gargling all sorts of liquids." Cook chuckled.
Naomi scoffed and walked away, but Cook noticed a small smile.
"C'mon you lot, you can start the party now I'm here!" He shouted.
Everyone at the pub looked at him and then carried on with discussing an answer to the question JJ had just read out.  The room was filled with oldies apart from Cook's friends, however, Cook didn't see how a party couldn't break out.

An hour later Cook was slurring his words and standing on the bar stools. "Can you get down!" The new wrinkly bar lady hissed at Cook.
"Do you....k-know who I am?" Cook said, laughing so much that it was hard to make out what he was even saying. Before Cook managed to turn around, a huge bouncer had appeared behind him.
"C'mon Cook get down, you're embarrassing yourself!" Said Freddie. Cook scoffed at Freddie and all his perfectness, Freddie who had always got what Cook wanted first. Before Cook could retreat he felt a huge pressure from behind him which made him fly forwards and onto the floor. He groaned in pain before standing to his feet in anger. "You tosser, you want some do ya?" Cook said to the bouncer, who raised his eyebrow in amusement before walking back towards the door.
"For fucks sake Cook, can't you flipping behave for one night? it's embarrassing, no wonder India doesn't come out with you anymore, or have you fucked that one up too? like you do everything else." Freddie hissed before turning his back on Cook.
Cook felt anger arise within him like heat. His whole face went red and his fists clenched.
"You take that back you cunt." He leered.
Freddie turned around and punched Cook clean in the nose. Before Cook could retaliate the bouncer had come out of nowhere and carried Cook out of the pub.

When Cook reached home he saw that India was fast asleep in bed. Or so he thought. India turned around and looked at him sideways.  "What have you done now?" He said in a sleepy voice, sitting up on the end of the bed. Cook just laughed and attempted to wipe the blood away. India attempted to help the boy wipe away the blood. "Here, let me help." She said, sweetly. However, the boy did not want her help. "Ow! fuck off!" He said in annoyance as he felt a shoot of pain go up his nose. He saw India's face drop. She backed away from him, got into bed and turned around. He realised what he had done.
"You can sleep on the sofa tonight." She hissed.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now