Season 3 - 17

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It all started when I was 16. I was moody, mean and had an obsession with anything you could smoke or sniff. I had finished secondary school and only passed about 4 GCSE's. I knew that Round-view college was the place to be after I'd heard Effy's brother talk about all his mishaps there with his misfit mates. I went with my best friend, Effy, and our other friend Panda. On my first day there I met three guys, two of which (Freddie and JJ) would go on to be my close friends, and one who would go on to be the love of my life, James Cook.

I'm now 21, I lost my best friend Effy, who overdosed, that was hard, and the rest of my best friends live all over the world. I live with Freddie in Bristol after I realised that journalism In London wasn't for me.


It had been three whole weeks since the Manchester dilemma. I continued with my job at the café like normal, anticipating the day that Tasha's bestie, Grace, asks me if I know where her best friend is. I must admit, it was odd not seeing Tasha around, even though I couldn't stand her when she was around.

I haven't seen Cook since Freddie dropped us back from the hospital, he told me he had stuff he needed to sort out. It felt quite selfish to anticipate a text message off him, considering he was basically homeless and jobless at the moment. Freddie had offered him refuge, but Cook said he wanted to do everything properly this time, whatever that meant.

As I was stocking up the cupcake rack in the café, I heard the bell on the door chime. I look up. It was Cook. I feel to adjust my hair and check my makeup looked okay, but I stay paused as he beams at me as he bobbed over to the front counter.

"Ello!" He chimed a cheeky grin on his face. I haven't seen him glow like this in years.
"Hey," I grin back. "what you doing here?"
"Come to see you, I've got something to say." He grinned.
"Go ahead." I said, butterflies now flickering excitedly in my tummy as I smiled the prettiest smile at the blue eyed boy who was confidently stood before me.
He scrambled in his back pockets and handed me a letter with scribbly-handwriting all over it.
"I wrote down what I wanted to say incase I got nervous." He remarked, colour flushing into his cheeks.

I spread the paper flat and begin to read what was written.

To my India,

I have spent 5 years loving you so hard, with every inch of my body, together or not. You are my proudest accomplishment, being a man who doesn't achieve much. I would go back and relive single mistake between us, multiple times over because I know that you're going to be there.

I was thrilled to bump into you in London, it mustn't have seemed it. When I first heard you call my name I knew that it meant something. There was no way I was going to allow you to disappear out of my life once more, even though I knew what the consequences could have been for me.

I would die for you India. You single-handedly lifted me up when I was considering that my life was in fact not worth living. I didn't know that my life could be filled with so much love considering the awfulness that was my childhood.

When I was 17, I'd lay in bed and try to imagine everything you'd said to me at college that day. I would think of everything I wouldn't said if I had the balls, I was so scared that I'd fuck everything up between us if I said the wrong thing in the moment.

But here we are, 5 years later, and I'm still too nervous to say these things to you properly because you give me, a 21 year old bloke, butterflies.

I'm ready to grow some balls and say something to you.

I look up to him.

"Say something to me?" I ask, confused.
I look up to him and he's disappeared.
I come out from behind the counter. 
He's on the floor.


He's on one knee.
He's got a ring in his hand.
"India-Grace Jones, my true love, you're talented, clever, and definitely fun. I fell in love with you many years ago and I've wanted to make you mine since, even spending the last three years wondering if I'll ever be able to find you again. Will you please marry me?"  He spoke.

I clasp my hands to my face in sheer shock. Tears flooded my eyes as I nodded yes and everyone in the café applauded.

A tear left his eyes as she shot up and pulled me into a hug, nearly sweeping me off my feet.
"I love you so fucking much, James." I whispered into his ear as the applaud continued.

"Forever." He whispered to my ear, before pulling his head back to place a warm kiss on my lips, the first one for three years.

My life felt complete. I wish Effy was here to see this.

The end.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now