Season 3 - 10

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I feel as though I've not slept for the past three months since Cook had to flee. Winter crept in, and everything was frosted in white. My mouth was dry as I lay on my side in bed, I stared out the window at the chilly winter's morning, perhaps I'd see Cook in the distance, running back to me to say that everything was okay. I haven't shut the curtains since he left.

"India?" I heard a concerned voice emerge from the doorway of my bedroom.

"Yeah?" I reply, having to summon enough energy to function words.

"You missed your doctor's appointment." He said softly, walking into the room. I felt a dip in the bottom of the bed as he sat down and I saw his concerned face peer into mine. "Have you even slept? you're still in yesterday's clothes...aren't you cold?" He whispered.

I didn't reply.

He shook me.

I moved my cold, dry eyes to his warm ones. Except they weren't warm like always, they were filled with genuine concern. I look away, causing him to stand up and sigh. He pulled the duvet over me and went to shut the curtains. "No!" I yelped.

"He's not coming back India! he does not give a fuck about you!" He says, in desperation. I roll over to face away from him. He huffed and left the room.

"You're out there Cook." I whisper to myself, a teardrop trickling down my freckled cheek. I close my eyes and imagine him there.

Where would I go if I were Cook and trying to hide from a drug lord? I conjure all my strength to think hard, but then I hear a knock at my door.

"Freddie I-" I begin.

"It's not Freddie." I mouse-like voice emerged.

I sat straight up, seeing stars from the sudden movement.

Tasha was standing in my doorway, her hair scraped up into a messy bun. Ah e looked awful. Her under eyes were blackened and her eyes were bloodshot red.
"What are you doing here?" I hiss.

"Oh please India, I know you know where he is." She sons, bursting into tears and shutting on the edge of my bed. I look at the girl, my eyes wide wondering what could have possibly gotten into her.

"He'd be here if it wasn't for your daddy." I had said it before I even released the severity of it.
She looked straight at me in confusion. I chuckled. "Don't act all innocent, you probably buttered him up to get him to make James put that ring on your finger." I seethed.
She blinked.
Maybe she actually didn't know what I was on about.
"What's this got to do with my father?" She asked, unattractively using her sleeve to wipe tears and smith off her red and puffy face.
"Everything." I whisper.
Her eyes darkened.
"You don't mean...he-" She trailed, things finally clicking in that thick skull of hers.
"That's exactly what I mean." I smile weakly, feeling the tiniest tinge of sorrow for her.
She fought what looked like an eternal battle before she edged closer to me on the bed.
"Help me." She says.
I blink.
"Please, I know you love him, I love him too, put your thoughts about me to one side and help me find him India, he might be in trouble." She begs.
My eyes felt dry as I held a long glare at her desperate face. I hated her so deeply for even bumping into Cook in the first place because we wouldn't even be here. It pained me to admit it, but maybe we could be of some help to him. However he left three months ago, he could be on the other side of the world in a disguise.
I nodded slowly.
"Pack a bag." She said.
I look at her.
"Pack a bag!" She said, adding urgency to her tone this time.

An hour later I'd backed a bag and fled the house into her range rover, dodging any sorts of questions Freddie was asking.

After an hour of silence in the car, my brain caught up to me, I turned to Tasha and said. "Um, where are we actually going?"

"Manchester." She replied. "That's the biggest drug market other than London, he'd be stupid to go there." 
I open her glove box and find a map. I roam the streets of Manchester, looking around at various street names, amusing myself at the daft names momentarily. I couldn't help but find the smallest dot on Pink street.
"Why's Pink street marked Tasha?" I ask.
"I don't know, I didn't even know I owned a map." She said.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now