5. Walk a' shame.

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Me and Effy remained in Panda's front garden for the rest of the night. We watched various people stumble out of her house and off to who knows where, until eventually, her house was silent.
"Her Mum's gonna kill her." Effy said, leaning on my shoulder.
"Yup." I say, munching on a flapjack I had found in my jacket pocket.
We hear the door swing open and Cook and Panda's voices emerge.
Me and Effy both flung ourselves behind a bush on my left, peering around to see as Panda and Cook strolled to the end of the drive.
I watched as Cook squeezed Panda's bum and kissed her goodbye.
"Thanks for teaching me how do to sex!" She called after Cook who waved as he walked up.
"What the fuck!" I say, popping up from the bush as Cook was out of sight.
Panda stared at me.
Effy now stood up too.
"Cook? I've told you how I feel about him," I scowl.
She rubbed her arm and lowered her eyes to the ground.
"Fucks sake!" I say. Now crossing my arms too.
That's when we heard the voice calling down the street.
We all turned our heads sharpish.
We saw a boy skipping up the path, his face glowing with an innocent smile that was planted across his chocolate skin.
"Panda Pops! I'm back!" He called.
"Oh whizzer," Panda whispered.
It was Panda's boyfriend, Thomas.


I glare at Panda who put her tray down on the table me and Effy were sitting on. She plopped herself on a chair, her pigtails annoyingly motioning with her jolliness. Her boyfriend sat next to her.
I ignore Panda's hello and turn to her boyfriend.
"Hey Thomas, I believe we haven't properly met!" I say
"Hi there, you must be India, a pleasure to meet you!" He replies. I shake the kind boy's hand, feeling sorry for him because of what he didn't know.
"Pleasure to meet you too." I say politely.
I glare at Panda who looks away from me and pushes her unfriendly-looking mashed potatoes around her plate.

Then someone comes and sits next to me.
I turn to see who it is.
I roll my eyes and face forwards.
"Alright mate?" Cook says cheerily holding his hand out to shake Thomas' hand.
I roll my eyes at Cook's cheek.
"Hi there!" Thomas says back kindly.
If Panda wasn't my friend I'd have told him about her straight away. She didn't deserve a nice friend nor a nice boyfriend, but I let it slide.
Cook turns to face me, taking a piece of my hair and swirling it around his fingers. I swat his hand away and shoot him a look.
"Ouuu feisty!" He says, looking straight into my eyes. I feel myself blush but then I remember why I'm angry at him.
I turn to face Effy who is staring over at Freddie.
"Go and talk to him." I whisper, nudging her to get her attention. She shook her head before re-entering her previous gaze.
We finished the rest of our lunch. Only Panda, Thomas and Cook spoke - me and Effy listened, kicking each other under the table at the irony.

As Thomas and Cook left the table, Panda turned to me.
"I'm sorry India, I really am, I- I didn't think I'd ever see Thomas again an- and..." She stuttered.
"It's okay," I say, stabbing my fork into a sausage. "I understand."
I didn't lie, I had understood, but I couldn't help but be jealous, even though I know Cook would fuck anything.
"Please don't tell T-" She began. 
I cut her off. "I won't."
and with that. I got up, emptied my tray of food into the bin and strolled to my next lesson alone.

On my way, I see Cook leaning up against a locker talking to some random girl. I roll my eyes as I walked past, though I couldn't deny a pang of jealousy that vibrated through my chest.
I open my locker 5 doors down, grab my bag and slam it, making them jump apart. I smile to myself.
"Oi spicy!" Cook says, catching up with me as I'd carried on walking.
"What?" I mutter.
"Fucks up w'you?" He said back, patting my head.
"I know where your crayon dick's been, that's what's up with me," I snap.
"Why do you care?" He asked, chuckling.
"Thomas." I say. Which wasn't a lie, but wasn't the full truth.
Cook laughed at this hysterically.
"It's not funny he's lovely!" I say, looking at the mousy blonde boy perplexed by his laughter.
He put his hand under my chin.
"You're lovely." He says cheekily, biting his lip as a joke.
I roll my eyes smiling and swat his hand away. 
I could feel myself blushing.
As I walk away, he grabs my hand. I turn.
"I mean it." He says.
I pull my arm away and walk off.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now