16. Deflated balloon.

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(India's POV)
I felt my face against rough fabric and opened my eyes, confused. I realised that I can fallen asleep watching shit TV. I look at the time. 4 in the morning, and Cook wasn't back. I shrug my shoulders, figuring he'd gone out on a bender. I turn the tv off and slam the remote down, aggravated that Cook had gone out again. Instead of dwelling in anger I climb into bed and go back to sleep.

When I woke back up it was 9 o'clock and Cook still wasn't home, this was slightly unusual, but it was Cook so I'm not majorly surprised. I immediately felt sick as I sat up out of bed. I clasped my hand to my mouth and sprinted to the bathroom, projectile vomiting into the toilet. "Great," I mumbled to myself "Lovely way to start this fine morning."

I snatch my phone off the kitchen counter and rang Cook, however, it went straight to voicemail.

I spent the rest of the day frantically trying to call Cook, before I ended up calling my mother instead. "Hi darling!" She said enthusiastically.
"Did you see Cook last night?" I asked her, panicked.
"No, why da-"
I put the phone down before she could even finish her sentence. Fearing the worse I run and put my shoes on and head out the door.

After what looking in his uncle Keith's pub, all the local pubs and the park, I could not find Cook absolutely anywhere. I frantically sprinted to Freddie's, which was my last hope.

When I reached Freddie's I told him everything, he told me Cook wasn't there and then attempted to calm me down, however I was in no state to be calm. Freddie took me to Effy's in an attempt to help.

"Oh hi," Effy said when she swung her door open, her parents were arguing...again. "What's up?" She said, looking between Freddie and Effy.
"Cook's gone missing!" I say.
"But he went to your mum's last night, I saw him walk past," Effy says, confused.
Me and Freddie look at each other.
I jump across Effy's drive and pound on my mother's door.
"Oi! answer the door liar!" I call, pounding on the door.
She eventually opens it, she had big curl rollers in her hair, a cup of tea in her hand and a smug look spread across her slappable lying face.
"Now you're going to tell me where Coo-" I started, but she interrupted.
"He's gone sweetheart, skipped town, robbed the car keys..." She said.
I laugh at this and wait for her to say where he really is, but she just blinked at me.
"What do you mean?" I say.
Effy and Freddie were now stood behind me, muttering things to me, but I wasn't listening. I didn't care.
"Well, he came here all stressed out, told me that he was going because he didn't want to be a shit dad and left me this wad of cash to give you" Mom said, reaching into her dressing gown pocket and then handing me an envelope with what seemed to be a thick wad of cash in.
I blink at her.
She continues to hold the cash out.
"Oh...India I'm so-" Effy started, I felt her hand rest on my shoulder, I shrug it off.
"Save it," I say, swallowing the urge to cry.
I look up at my mother.
She has a sympathetic look twinkling in her eyes, a look I've never seen before, a look I do not wish to see again.
I turn on my heel and walk off, Effy and Freddie called after me but I couldn't talk to them right now.
My head panged, my stomach dropped and my heart broke. He left me, he pussied out. He left me and he knew I may be pregnant.

*2 weeks later*
I don't speak much, or eat much, I just sit in my flat and cry. Effy and Freddie come round when they didn't have college, they sometimes stay over and being shut games to play. I never play. I'm sick of games. It's been two weeks since Cook left me and I didn't feel any better. My heart ached. I thought he loved me. If you love someone you don't put them through this. I wasn't even in pain. Everything just seemed to ring all the time, it feel like my insides were just a vast open hole filled with nothingness. I tried not to think about the fact that there may be a baby in my stomach, I didn't want to go to the hospital and get a scan without Cook. I was a deflated balloon unfilling and whizzing around a grey empty room everytime Effy or Freddie would knock on the door, as they did today, as I thought it might be Cook.
"Oh," I muttered, opening the door filled with hope but then seeing Freddie and Effy.
I felt my face drop as I stood to one side to let them in so I could shut the door.
Freddie and Effy stepped in, looking at each other first.
"We bought a few catalogs, thought we could look at new places for you," Freddie said, in a soft tone that annoyed me.
"Oh, right..." I said, trying my hardest to sound even remotely interested...but I failed.
"We found a lovely one, your mum said she'd pay for it," Effy said.
"Ha! I bet she bloody did!" I snorted, crossing my arms and leaning against the kitchen counter.
I feel a sharp pain go up my stomach but I ignore it. 
"What's up?" Freddie says, noticing a flash of discomfort on my face.
I glare at him.
"Look, Cook is a world class dick okay, you have every right to hate his guts, but me and Eff are trying to help okay?" He says. I notice impatience in his voice.
"Sorry." I mutter dryly. Turning my back on Freddie and Effy to blink back tears.
"You look really awful Inds...." Effy says.
"Yeah well all I can do is cry at the moment." I snap.
Effy slumps onto the sofa. Freddie shakes his head at her as Effy was about to open her mouth.

An hour passed and Effy and Freddie had picked out all kinds of things for the baby, I just blinked at nodded at everything they showed me.
My mouth was really dry and I began to feel intense pain in my stomach.
I usher off to the toilet.

I started at my face in the cabinet mirror. Only I start college, fall in love with a boy, get pregnant, then have the boy fuck ofc to god knows where. I wallowed in self pity for longer and then I realised that the inside of my legs were wet.The most excruciating pain panged my stomach, I clutched my belly in pain and fell to the floor, I felt my head harshly collide with the floor and a pang of pain hit my head also.
The door shot open. Freddie and Effy rushed in. Then all went black.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now