Season 2 - 2.

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a/n - don't judge me okay? I was trying to think of ways to show how Effy and India are gonna look and. I ended up using the Kim Kardashian Hollywood game. Lol get used to it guys.

India (she might change, this is more for the outfit than the face)

India (she might change, this is more for the outfit than the face)

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Me and India went shopping for something to wear yesterday

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Me and India went shopping for something to wear yesterday. India had wanted something that would hide her disappearing baby bump, so she bought a green dress and a scarf to wrap round her waist. I was more worried on what drugs were going to be at the party then clothes, so I didn't shy away from my usual style, I just chose a leather jacket, top and skirt to wear.

We'd managed to sway Panda into letting us use her relatives mansion to have our party in, she had a shit tonne of week growing, she didn't even know the plants were cannabis. Panda seemed on edge about it but we told her it was the least she could do considering how sneaky she previously was.

When we walking into the building everyone was saying happy birthday to us, but I didn't care as I wanted to get to the kitchen where I knew the drugs would be. The place was nicely decorated, Emily and Naomi had done it. There were purple balloons floating around with white strings and lilac happy birthday banners scattered around the place. Once I'd finally pushed through the group of people in my way, I'd found the kitchen. It was a big airy room with marble countertops and a massive island. People were dancing in the diner part. I watched India and Cook slip into the crowd. I rummaged through the cupboards for a cup until I found the stash of plastic cups. I smiled and grabbed one and found some vodka. I mixed about 60% vodka and 40% Coke then downed the drink. I smiled to myself as I watched everyone dancing to the loud music. That's when Bolt came up to me. "Alright Eff, I've got some new pills and a bit of skunk here, want a birthday sample?" He said. Just what I wanted to hear, I nodded at him. He rummaged in his pockets and pulled out two tiny bags, one with 4 spliffs in and one with about 10 pills in. My eyes widened. I reached my hand out the grab them. "Ah! ah! ahhh!" he waved his finger in my face. "You know my policy." He said, staring at my boobs.
"Go on then!" I hissed, annoyed.
He grabbed my tits and massaged them for a few seconds. "Ouuu boobies!" He said. I screwed my face up in disgust then held my hand out. He dropped the bags in my hand and I walked away. "Can I get a flash?" He called after me.
"Maybe later." I smirked, knowing that he would most definitely not get the chance.
I pushed into the crowd to find India.
I eventually found her dancing against Cook. Cook was kissing down her neck with one hand on her waist and the other in her bra while she grinder into him. "Will you guys stop being gross for one minute!" I snapped, looking away until they stopped.
I turned back around and they were stood staring at me confused. I held up the drugs. I expected their faces to light up, but they both stayed neutral.
"Uh, drugs? Hello!" I said.
"Yeah, we know..." India said.
"Well do you not want any?" I said, dumbfounded.
"We'll just have a spliff each." India stated. Cook nodded. I pulled out a spliff each and slowly gave it to them, wondering why they weren't excited. I watched as they lit them and carried on dancing.
I got the pill bag and emptied the whole thing into my mouth. Smiling as I swallowed. India's face dropped.
"Effy, what the fuck are you doing? do you have a death wish, you never do more than three." She said, grabbing my wrist and examining the empty bag. She looked at me with dismay, her eyes were widened and she was frowning that much that her brows looked as though they were knitted together.
I smiled at her.
"It's not funny Eff, come one you've got to go and sick it back up I will buy you some more but you're not having that many in one go." She said, trying to pull me towards to bathroom. I stood my ground and would not move.
"Chill out India." I laughed, I look up at Cook who also looked concerned.
"What the fucks up with you, you'd have been all over the Idea a few months ago." I said, almost pleading with him.
He laughed. "Yeah like 5 at one time, you've took too much Eff." He said.
India glared at me.
"Don't ruin our big day Eff, come on, we can just get you some more yeah?" She said trying to reason with me.
"No," I snapped. "You're not my mum."
Her eyes narrowed.
"Effy don't do this." She said, searching through my eyes.
"Look you've got your perfect life and your boyfriend, you leave me and my drugs alone yeah?" I said, waving my arms around.
She drew herself up but then seemed to calm down.
She put her hand on her belly.
Shit. I said her life was perfect.
"You know very well that my life is far from perfect, just fuck off and do your death mission away from me, I'll be saying I told you so when you end up in hospital, or worse, a coffin." She hissed in my face before grabbing Cook's hand and parading out the room.
"Alright fucking....Hermione Granger." I said to myself before laughing at my own joke.
My mouth tingled and I felt like I was floating in the air momentarily. I put my head back and smelt the air. It smelt like let's fucking party. A buzz went through me and my vision altered. Everyone was moving in slow motion. I looked at my arms and as I moved them it looked like they were delayed. I laughed hysterically. Fuck that India bitch right?

I thought I'd go smoke up in the toilet so I didn't have to share with everyone around me. I pushed past everyone to get to the toilet. This girl gave me a dirty look as I barged past, I looked her up and down  and continued my journey to the toilet.
When I reached up the stairs I barged through the bathroom door.
"Fuck off!" Someone shouted. I saw a boy stood over the toilet facing away from me. He looked to be having a piss. He scurried quickly, putting his cock away. I laughed and realised it was Freddie.
"Oh Freddie? you came, cool." I smiled, sparking my joint and leaning against the door.
He looked at me.
"Yes Hi Effy, why would I miss you and India's birthday, it was nice of you to barge in whilst I was trying to piss." He said sarcastically.
"Why didn't you lock the door?" I laughed.
"Most people knock." He said in between gritted teeth as he washing his hands in the sink next to me.
I smile at him.
He looked and me then looked away quickly.
"What's up with you then?" I said, crossing my arms.
He looked at me.
"What world are you on Eff?" He said.
I blinked at him.
"We can't be together." He added, stepping closed to me and lowering his voice.
I turned my head to the side in confusement.
"When did I say anything about that?" I asked.
"Look, we're no good for each other, I spent ages trying to get with you last year and you weren't even interested, hence why I went out with Katie." He said.
I scoffed.
"Stop being a party pooper Freddie, you're so serious." I said sitting on the side of the bath. I looked up at him and smirked.
"Don't do that." He said.
"Do what?" I said, looking at his lips.
Freddie huffed and came closer to me.
I parted my legs slightly and pushed my boobs closer with my arms.
Freddie looked in between my legs for a split second.
He sighed and lifted me up, planting kisses on my lips.
I kissed him back. He desperately deepened the kiss.
He threw me up and caught me, I wrapped my legs around him. He slammed me again the wall and pulled my pants to the side. Before anything else could happen, the door bust open and Thomas walked in. Freddie pulled away.
"Oh sorry!" He called before shutting the door behind him.

Freddie carried on. He pulled his trousers and boxers down and aligned himself up to my opening. He thrust in without any warning. I kicked my head back and moaned. His thrusts became more frequent and faster before he eventually came. He put me down. "That was quick." I laughed, wiping away my smudged lipgloss in the mirror. I watched as he pulled his trousers back up and did up his belt.
"This can't happen again." He said.
I smiled at him.
He got closer to me.
"I mean it Eff." He said, searching into my eyes and then storming out of the room.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now