Season 2 - 3.

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I partied for the rest of my 18th birthday. I pointed my middle fingers up high in the sky as fuck you by Lilly Allen came on.
"F-fuck fucking India and fucking Freddie hahaha!" I slurred. Everyone was dancing around me as it was my birthday. But I must admit it felt off without India who was currently snogging off Cooks face in the corner of the room. He'd lifted her dress up
so her whole bum and purple lace was on display as he grasped her bum cheeks. I cringe at this. A group of random geeky looking boys were watching in awe nearby. India pulled away from Cook for a moment and winked at them, they all giggled awkwardly. "You wish lads." Cook chuckled. Before looking back at India and locking his lips back with hers.
Freddie was stood on the other side of the room with his arms around 2 random blonde girls and a spliff in his mouth. I put the rest of my pills in my mouth and danced the night away.


I woke up with a dry mouth to the sound of moaning. I flickered my eyes open and saw India sat up without clothes on bobbing up and down. Then I realised what was going on.
"Do you two ever stop shagging?" I moan, throwing a pillow at India.
I look to Cook who was focused on India's tits with his hands wrapped around her waist.
I sit up slowly and faced the window. I watched as a someone woke up in the front garden and staggered off, clearly still drunk. Then I realised it was Thomas.
I laughed.
"Thomas has just woke up in the front garden." I giggled.
India ignored me and instead moaned to Cook at she was going to finish, to which Cook replied: "Cum for me then princess."
I screwed my face up and left the room. As I shut the door I heard. "Oh my god Cook, I'm C-C-cumming!". I covered my ears and ran downstairs then put the front door. I began the walk back to my house from Panda's great aunts. I thought to ring Freddie but I figured he was with those two blondes. I couldn't even ring India, she was a bit pre-occupied and still not talking to me.

I don't know whose idea it was to have a birthday bash on a college night, but I was looking forward to a hot shower and a fag before I went.


At lunch I slumped next to Panda as India wasn't talking to me still. At the moment it felt like she deemed any moment she wasn't all over Cook as a waste of time. I watched at she straddled his lap
and snogged him.
"Disgusting." I said, stabbing my fork into my broccoli and watching Cook and India tongue tie. Panda watched in amazement.
"It doesn't look like that when me and Thomas do it." She said.
I wondered what Thomas was up to, as he still hasn't confronted Panda.
"Why don't you talk to me as much Eff, you and India?" Pandora sighed.
I looked at her slowly, wondering if she was actually being serious. Panda looked down at her tray and carried on eating her food.
Pandora started babbling about this film she had watched a few days ago. I nodded every now and then. She started talking about how Thomas has been really nice to her recently. I left when she started babbling on about how much she loved Thomas.
I roll my eyes.
Then she finally says something interesting.
"Naomi and Emily had a big fight last night."
"Oh yeah?" I reply raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah Naomi was pretty upset, she went home early"
"I better go check on her." I say, as an excuse to get away from her constant babbling.

On my way down the corridor I actually did bump into Naomi. "Uhh...what are you doing?" I said. Naomi's head was buried in her locker. She slowly pulled her head out of the locker and looked at me. She had huge bags under her eyes and her skin looked bone dry. She had her hood up but I could see the her hair was a mess.
"Gosh you look awful." I say, I wasn't meant to say it out loud but it was too late.
"Oh thanks Eff." She said, slamming her locker door shut.
"What's up with you then, I heard about your argument with Emily, what happened there?" I said.
"Oh her? she's a cunt." Naomi scoffed.
"We just, I-, we're gay, just...relationship stuff."
I wasn't quite sure what to say. Am I meant to congratulate her for coming out.
Naomi laughed.
"It's okay you don't have to say anything."
"Phew." I said, smiling at her and then turning to walk away.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now