18. Miss me Princess?

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I stood in the living room. It was covered in pictures of my mom in bikini's. I scoff before taking them all down.
Freddie and JJ had gone to where they thought Cook's dad lived a couple days ago, but they still hadn't returned. I had given up, he could've even gone to a different country by now.
I didn't like not being in his apartment. I had nothing left of him apart from one of his tops. The council took all his stuff in the apartment as he was behind on payment. I was wearing his top before I had my little accident.
The door knocked so I went to answer it, it was probably the postman. He normally came at this time.
I sigh and walk towards the door, which knocked again.
"Alright I'm fucking coming!" I shouted, unlocking the door and swinging it open.
There he stood.
Blue eyes met brown eyes.
I stood glued to the spot.
"Miss me princess?" Cook said.
I raised my hand and smacked him round the face. "Ouch, what the fuck was that for," He said.
"Leaving me!" I said. Before jumping into his arms and giving him the biggest hug ever.
"I missed you," He sniffled.
I cried into his shoulder.
I look at who was behind him.
Freddie and JJ.
I mouthed thank you to them.
They nodded and smiled at me.
Cook carried me into the house and shut the door.
he carried me upstairs to my room and I giggled at he flung me onto the bed.
His lips immediately crashed into mine.
We kissed passionately, more passionate then ever. I opened my mouth and turned my head to the side, wanting the kiss to deepen. I never wanted it to end, I'd missed him so much. I never thought I'd see him again.
He kissed me all the day down my neck. "I...missed...you...so...much" He said in between kisses. I giggle as I arch my back, getting more and more turned on.
I lifted Cook's top off.
"Easy girl," He giggled before throwing it on the floor. I eye Cook's toned chest which made me eager for more. I kissed him and traced my hands up and down his back. He pulled my top off and then my bra.
He grabbed my breasts then placed his mouth the my nipples and flicked his tongue. I bucked my hips in pleasure. Cook laughed at this. He pulled my shorts off, leaving me in just my panties.
"Now this is a view I've missed." He said, leaning back to eye my body, eagerness spread across his face.
I massage my boobs as he watched, then I slowly took one off my hands and placed them under my panties.
Cook's breath hitched.
"You like the view?" I said, staring into his eyes. He nodded his head, watching me very closely.
I started rubbing my clit, a small moan left my mouth and I closed my eyes.
"No, look at me." Cook demanded.
I opened my eyes and carried on.
Then I pulled down my panties.
Cook looked at me even more eagerly. He looked like a boy in a toy shop.
"Fuck this." He said. Moving quickly and pulling off his trousers and his boxers.
I carried on.
"Cook I'm gonna cum!" I moaned.
Cook grabbed my hand and moved it away from my clit.
He lined himself up with me and inserted his length in with no warning.
"Fuck James!" I said.
"Yeah call me by my name princess," He said, now pounding into me. I felt like electricity was flowing through my veins. He felt SO good.
Cook hit the spot every time.
He looked deep into my eyes.
His face was gorgeous, he looked slightly angry and I found it as hot as ever.
"You like that yeah?" He spat.
"Mhmm yes," I moaned.
I heard bangs, I knew it was Effy banging from next door, as I knew we were being loud.
Cook laughed at this and pumped me even harder. I moaned louder than ever. Cook grabbed my hips, going in even further, my eyes rolled back.
"Oh my gosh!" I whimpered.
Cook picked me up then threw me back down to the bed onto my stomach.
"Give me your best arch." He spat.
I arched my back deeply.
"Gorgeous." He said.
He lay down underneath me and attached his mouth to my clit.
I moaned, a lot, as he flicked his tongue up and down. I gripped onto the duvet.
He stopped when I told him I was getting close.
He got up, lined himself up behind me, then pumped inside of me. I screamed in pleasure.
My phone rang, it was in the pocket of my shorts that were now to the left of me. I reach for it and see it was Effy ringing me. I answer, thinking Cook would stop and he didn't.
"Please you're so loud I can hear you in my room, I'm happy for you India but please quieten down, I've just had my breakfast!" She said.
Cook went even harder.
"Are you still...." Effy said.
"Pfft no," I said, before accidental letting out a moan.
"EWWWW!" She screamed, then put the phone down.
"I'm gonna cum Cook!" I said.
"Me too!" He said. He grabbed my head causing my head to kick back so he could look at me. He slapped my ass and I whimpered.
"Whose pussy is this?" He said.
"Yours" I reply.
"Grab my balls sweetheart, grab my balls!" He said.
I grabbed his balls and he ploughed faster than ever.
Effy banged on the wall harder than ever. But I didn't care.
"Oh Cook I'm cumming!" I screamed, feeling a pressure gather in my stomach. Cook slapped my ass and I heard him groan and then I felt warmness inside of me. He picked me up and carried me to the bathroom. I heard Effy scream from her room next door.

Oh did I miss my Cook.

The end of Season 1
(next focus is Effy and Freddie)

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now