Season 3 - 16

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(has not been re-read)

The room was silent as the nurse checked the dressings that covered where the bullet had grazed my leg. Cook sat in the corner of the hospital room awkwardly, attached to a hospital drip from being so malnourished whilst he was gone. I couldn't help but stare at him as his eyes were fixated onto the hospital floor.

I wonder what he's thinking about?

His eyes didn't meet mine once. He looked out of place. But then again, who doesn't look out of place in those miserable-looking hospital robes?

"Mr. Cook, you're more than welcome to rest in your bed." The nurse said.
"I'm fine here, thanks." Cook spoke without looking up.
"Very well then." The nurse uttered politely, then gave a small smile to me before she left the room.

"You came looking for me then?" Cook said after a few moments.

I blink.

" was Tasha's idea." I said, feeling bad that it wasn't my idea to come looking for him, instead I was miserable in my bed for weeks.

"She wouldn't have found me without your help saw the map I left didn't you?" He said, obviously sensing my guilt.

"Yeah, I did see the map, we got to that awful pub on the street, I knew you'd have gone there, some bloke from the pub mentioned that he'd seen you at that canal, when I got there we searched the woods next to the canal" I uttered.

"I was staying in the room above the pub, twenty quid a night, then I had a fight with some bloke and got chucked out." He spoke.

"What is it with you and fighting people." I giggled, he bought his eyes to mine and chuckled, looking more at ease after my laughter. His blue eyes were so welcoming as they looked into mine, I felt 16 all over again as he grinned up at me, I try my hardest not to blush.

I explained how I knew he was at the canal and about how I managed to hit my head. He looked disheartened that I was hurt. He stood up from the chair in the corner and sat beside me, on my bed.
" I'm glad you're okay." He said, looking up at my stitches and gently resting his hand on the dressing on my leg.
"I'm glad you're okay," I smile. "How long were you tied up for?"
"A few minutes before you came in, they found me, grabbed me and tied me up, then hid as you and Tasha came in." He spoke.
I can't help but wrap my arms around him, grateful that they didn't shoot him before we got there.

Tears gather in my eyes causing me to sniff, he pulled back and tucked a stray hair behind my ear.
We stared at each other for a few moments before the nurse came into the room.

"We've got a few pieces of paperwork to fill out, and then you guys can be discharged, we called Mr. Mclair a couple hours ago, he should be here soon to pick you up." She smiled.

"I'm going home." Cook said happily, placing a kiss on my forehead.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now