3. Meaningless, but rough sex.

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"Freddie, get up dad's dropping us off in an ho- oh!" A voice said, bursting into Freddie's room.
"Karen, don't you know how to knock?" Freddie said dryly. I look up and the girl who was standing in the doorway.
"Hi," I said confidently.
"Hi?" The girl said confused. "We're leaving in an hour Freds," She paused and looked at me "Will your friend here be needing a lift?"
"No thanks," I say.
She turned around and shut the door.
I stand up and walk over to my pile of clothes on the floor, still butt naked. I feel Freddie's eyes on me.
"Last night-" I begin to say.
"Forget about it." Freddie says.
I smile and nod, glad we both feel the same way.
"Cya at college!" I say. Now dressed and heading out his bedroom door.


"Where the fuck did you end up?" Effy says as I swing open my bedroom door to see the brunette girl sitting on my bed, dressed and ready to leave.
"Fuck Eff! Hello to you too!" I say. "Freddie's."
"Oh." She says. I look over at her, half expecting a different response.
"You fancy him don't you?" I say. 
"I don't know really," Effy says lying back on my bed.
"Well I won't go there again, didn't mean anything anyway, good shag though."
"Ew!" She says, throwing a pillow at me.
I giggle before going into the bathroom and taking a quick shower and brushing my teeth.
I walk back into my room and pull on a hoodie, leggings and a pair of boots. I let my wet hair out, giving it a quick brush whilst leaving it to dry whilst Effy smoked a cigarette.
"C'mon then," I say.
We leave out for college, saying bye to my annoying mom as we headed into the door.
"So, what happened to you last night?" I asked.
"Danced with Cook, ended up in my front garden..." She said.
"Anything else?" I say.
We walk the rest of the walk to college in complete silence, both enjoying the cigarettes we were smoking. "Pretty ladies!" We heard a voice call. I roll my eyes, throwing my cigarette butt on the floor and stamping it out.
Cook flung an arm around me and Effy each, budging between us as we walked through the entrance doors.
"Last night was fucking mint! where the fuck did you end up spice girl?" Cook said eyeing me up.
"Freddie's." I said.
I waited for the teasing and masses of laughter to emerge but Cook didn't say a word.
"What about you?" I said.
"Made a diversion then home eventually." He said brightly.
He looked at me and smiled, confused I give him a smile back. "There she isss!" He says.

I giggle.
"Fancy a shag Eff?" He said. I turned to look at Effy who had ignored Cook's reply.
"Bit random?" I said.
"What d'ya mean, we've been fucking since the first-day ent' we princess?" Cook says, looking at Effy who nodded.
I felt an odd sort of tinge in my stomach. Why hadn't she told me? And why on earth did I actually care?
"Oh right." I say, trying to sound uninterested before breaking away from Cook's arm and strolling to my locker to put my stuff in. 
"I'm gonna shag you next Spicy." Cook said, I hadn't realised he had come with me to my locker.
"Sorry?" I scoffed.
"I know you want a bit of the cookie monster!" He says, humping the air.
I shut my locker and turn to walk down the corridor.
"Where are you going darling?" He says, calling after me. 
"Somewhere you're not!" I called back.


We partied constantly for the next few weeks, I'd even had to skip college to recover from hangovers. I had developed a caring for Cook that I couldn't understand, every time I saw him and Effy making out and leaving the room, I couldn't help but feel slightly frustrated. I knew Freddie had liked Effy. We'd gotten into the habit of fucking the confusion out of each other every now and then. Meaningless, but rough sex that would result in us shrugging it off. Effy had assured me that she wasn't into Freddie at this point, though I was starting to get
the vibe that she might have feelings for him, but she had the boy I wanted. Perhaps I'm a shitty friend?

I had only felt comfortable telling Panda about how I was feeling because of her innocence, but one day, after I was left a breathless mess, Freddie confronted me about how I was feeling about Cook.

"India?" He said, falling the bed from on top of me.
"Hmm?" I said, in between a series of pants.
"You know how you like Cook?"
"I'm not stupid."
I sit up and look at the boy.
"Is it obvious?"
"Well you know I like Eff, so why would you fuck me if you knew I don't even like you like that?"
"Well observed Fred, why would you fuck me if you know I like Cook?" I say, lighting up a cigarette.
"Good point....so you do like him then?"
I puffed out smoke
"I don't know about like..." I say.
"Cook is.." He begins
"Cook?" I say, giggling, knowing that you can't put Cook into words.
"He's delicate," Freddie says.
I don't say anything for a moment.
"Effy doesn't like him like that y'know, she's just lonely, I know her." I said
Freddie shook his head.
"Cook just likes a fuck buddy, he's been knocking
up some other girl on the side too." He says.
I laugh awkwardly.
"Sorry." Freddie says.
"I've only told Panda about Cook y'know." I say, looking at Freddie.
He had put an arm around me.
Normally we never cuddled after our sex sessions. But this time it felt appropriate.
"You can talk to me about her...Effy..I won't tell her." I say, snuggling into him.
"She's so...beautiful." He said.
"Yeah, that's Effy for you." I voice back.
We spend the rest of the night cuddling and discussing our emotions towards each other's best friends, both understanding how one another is feeling.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now