Season 3 - 9

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(hasn't been re read)

In this world, there was nothing more that I wanted, then to be dead. What was the point in living if I couldn't love. I tossed and turned that night, wondering why those around me are constantly ripped away. I heard Freddie wake up after a few hours of crying - his footsteps approached my room. I panicked and wiped the tears from my dry eyes as he came into the room. "Morning, want a cup of...what the fuck happened to you?" He stated, looking shocked as he noticed my puffy face. I wanted so badly to tell him but I could take no chances.

"Hay fever, turning into summer innit." I lied, sitting up in the bed and pulling the covers up to my chest.

"Right, I'll bring you a tea up." He smiled.

"Sounds great." I whispered as he walked out of the room, tears strumming my eyes as my brain wandered to a dark place once more.

I spent the morning watching random films on the tele with Freddie, well pretending to. I'd laugh when he laughed then gaze off at the wall in steady thought, straining my ears to hear the knock on the door that would be Tasha and Cook, symbolising the begging of the end. Half way through the fourth film, the knock came. My body was a block of ice, I felt a glacial spell overtake my body causing me to twitch. My throat felt as though it was rapidly multiplying in size by the second as I heard bodies approaching the living room entrance.

"I forgot you live here." Tasha said, galavanting into the room and plopping down shopping bags and wafting in a strong floral smell that made me feel sick as it was so strong. I couldn't  look as Cook entered the room, followed by Freddie. Cook remained silent.

Freddie and Tasha partook in small talk, gaining the odd comment from Cook as I locked my eyes to the white wall in front of me. Tasha wafted her hands around a lot in conversation, this was annoying as I was trying to stare at the wall so I didn't have to see her cozying up to Cook. I grew angry after the 6th or 7th time and glared in her direction, but a sparkle on her left hand caught my eye. A rope twisted and turned in my stomach and I looked to the finger next to the pinky, which had a ring comfortably wrapped around it. My eyes uncontrollably widened at the sight of the ring. I had known after all that Cook had no intention of marrying her and he didn't really have a choice, but knowing that Tasha thought he did, was enough to make me sick. I got up, powered by a motor and plummeted up the stairs and into the bathroom, releasing hot acidy vomit into the toilet bowl before slumping on the floor and wiping my mouth. I sobbed silently for a minute before swilling mouthwash round my mouth and finding the strength to go back downstairs.

"Alright?" Freddie said as I re entered the room.

No. I'm not alright. The man I love is having flee because he met a stuck up rich girl with an evil dad who wants him to sell far too many drugs and marry his daughter otherwise he's going to kill him. I'm never going to see him again after today, and my last memory will be Tasha wafting a massive rock around.

"Yes, I'm...fine." I replied hastily, momentarily locking eyes with Cook before I quickly looked away.

"Well Freddie, you must get the rest of Grace's stuff so that me and Cookie can go and get lunch." I rolled my eyes as Freddie nodded and left the room. I balled my fists as I pretended to watch TV, hoping Tasha didn't speak to me. She did.

"You look like you've been dragged through a rosebush backwards, what happened to you?" She snorted. Cook looked at his watch, a stressed look across his face that was as white as a porcelain plate.

"You look like a pig with lipstick and a shit blowdry, want me to go on?" I retorted.

She narrowed her eyes and scolded me. I couldn't help but feel the mad urge to laugh as I knew Cook didnt even want her and that he's wanted me this whole time, and that all I had to do was accidentally bump into him in London.

Freddie emerged with a bag and passed it to Tasha, who held it out rudely for Cook to carry. Cook ignored her outstretched hand and stood up to walk to the front door. Tasha played it off coolly and stood up also. "Well, goodbye." She said, marching out the room, her mouse hair following behind her and her turned up nose leading the way.

"Cya later alligator." Cook sighed giving a half smile to me and Freddie, looking at both of us, specifically me for longer.

I had dreaded this moment for a lifetime and I hadn't even known it.

I breathed in.

"In a while, Crocodile." I replied lowly and Freddie bumped his fist with Cook's, unaware this was the last time he'd see his best friend.

Cook send a nonchalant nod in my direction. It hurt but I understood why it had to be this way. His eyes said it all, I know he was hurting. And with that, he left the room.

That would be the last time I see James Cook


A/N - What are you guys feeling about the plot at the moment? I kinda like it I guess. This story is hard to write as I definitely didn't set up many story lines in the beginning, or any sort of side plots so it is so hard to write.

Not long until the finale.

I'm so excited to release my new Cook story, it is going to be so much better than this one as I know how to start a good story now and I'm improving as a writer.

Please comment how you're feeling about the story at this point. I miss season 1 when everything was all lovely haha.

Who's your fave character in the story???? I love Cassio and Freddie. - watch this if you love Cook, Freddie and JJ, and you like unseen bits <3

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now