Season 3 - 3.

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(haven't re-read from here, may be mistakes?)

Today was my first day at Lavender Lab. I pulled on a black top and some black leggings before pulling my hair into a ponytail. I breathed in nervously before the mirror in my room.
"You'll be fine!" Freddie comforted, coming into my room and putting his hand on my shoulder.

He drove me to work and wished me good luck before I nervously shuffled into the café.
"Ah! pretty girl! first day eh?" Cassio called out, I smiled and walked behind the counter to give him a big hug.
"Sorry darling but I haven't caught your name yet." He smiled.
"Stunning name." He replied.

He showed me around the kitchen and gave me a price list before explaining how to do the till.
"That's everything, here you have your first client, moustasha the fool and her ginger friend."
I looked at the shop door to see a girl stepping in. She was wearing an expensive looking coat and chanel sunglasses, behind her Grace stepped into the shop.
"India? Hi." Grace said.
I smiled politely and looked at Tasha who barely acknowledges me.
"Two hot chocolates and two rocky roads please, one hot chocolate needs to be made with s-o-y-a milk, I'm dieting." She called to Cassio who was rolling out some dough behind me.
"I'm serving today." I smiled, trying to keep skeptics out of my voice.
"Oh, right, so you're the famous India?" Tasha said, looking down her glasses to get a good look at me.
"Yep, that's £11.78 please." I said, she tapped her card on the card reader and flicked her blowdried hair behind her as she walked to a table, Grace following. I felt like lobbing the card reader at her head as she walked off, but I kept my cool.
I didn't know how on earth a girl like that managed
to attract Cook, she was the kind of girl I thought he hated. But I guess I don't really know him like that anymore. Let's just say, I wasn't threatened, I noticed a moustache and a crooked nose.

Once I'd made two hot chocolates and plated 2 rocky roads, I carried them over on a tray to Tasha and Grace. "Grace has told me that you're the girl stopping at Freddie's." Tasha announced as I placed the tray at her table. Normally I would tell her it was none of her fucking business, but it was my first day and I needed this job so I just nodded.
"Interesting." She replied, looking at me sideways.
"Is he awake yet?" Grace said anxiously.
"Yeah." I replied.
Tasha scoffed and picked up her hot chocolate that I purposely made with cow's milk. I turned and walked back behind the counter and flicked through the magazine I'd bought.

"Cook? Ugh- don't ask me about him at the moment Grace, he's always been distant with me, but I've barely seen him recently." Tasha sighed.
I looked up, interested in what they had to say, I was sure I wasn't meant to be able to hear them but I eavesdrop nevertheless.
"I don't know why you're still with him Tash, he clearly can't see your worth." Grace replied. I snorted quite loudly but disguised it with a cough, they didn't notice.
"I think I'm going to talk to him tonight, try and get back with him, but I think he's had it this time, he said he doesn't want anything to do with her." Tasha sniffed, trying to whisper about me but failing as I could hear her loud and clear.
He really doesn't want anything to do with me?
"He's calling!" Tasha called.
"Put it on speaker." Grace said.

Tasha answered the phone and put it on speaker. I couldn't hear properly so I decided to do a sweep of the shop floor, specifically around where they were sitting.
"I'm not really in the headspace for you Tasha, I've been telling you this for about 2 months now." Cook's voice spoke through her latest-model phone.
"But Cookie...I need you baby." Tasha moaned.
I wanted to so badly sweep her up, throw her in the bin and let the bin man fling her in their rubbish-crushing machine.
"No Tasha, this is it, I have things to think about and you're not one of them." Cook laughed down the phone.
"Please." Tasha pleased.
"Listen, top nosh yeah? just not girlfriend material." Cook said harshly, I laughed in my head nevertheless.
"Cookie baby?" Tasha muttered in a stupid baby voice, causing me to almost regurgitate the toast I had for breakfast.
Cook ended the phone.
Tasha whimpered and Grace held her hand.
"Well Tasha, at least me and Freddie are still together." Grace said unhelpfully.
"Shut up you blubbering idiot." Tasha snapped.
I tried not to laugh and returned back to behind the counter.

Maybe Cook wanted me? It wasn't very likely, I mean he was literally trying to leave me without saying anything last week, but still, there was a flicker of hope, because I knew he still loved me deep down.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now