17. Mommy dearest.

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I woke up in a warm bed but felt extremely groggy, as I became more aware I heard beeping noises a d voices. I fluttered my eyes open to see a light clinical room and 5 people starting at me. "India!" Effy said jumping out from the chair she was sat on and over to me.
"Wh- what happened Eff?" I said, grabbing into her hand. She doesn't reply. I look around to fully acknowledge whose in the room. Freddie, a nurse, my mom and...
"Katie? what the hell are you doing here?" I said abruptly. She looked to the ground and shuffled next to Freddie. I forgot they were a couple but I still didn't understand why she was here.
"I know." Effy whispered, barely audible - as if she had read my mind and had been asking herself the same thing.
I turn to the nurse.
"Hi India, I'm Linda, your nurse, you collapsed..." The nurse said, before shuffling uncomfortably "Um, your friends told me that you thought you were pregnant....well we've done some scans and...that's not the case dear, I'm sorry." She said sincerely.
I swallow.
"Oh," I say.
"But darling, it seems as if you've lost your baby, your friends also told me that you've not been eating much recently, I'm sorry to hear that, I'll leave you to it, I'll be back in an hour with some meds..." The nurse said, Freddie uttered a thank you as she left the room.

I stare around at everyone. My mom is re-applying her lipstick. I look at Effy who rolls her eyes at this.
Everyone looked at me with sympathetic looks on their faces, even my mom. 
I couldn't believe that I wasn't pregnant anymore. I didn't have the last thing I had left of Cook inside me. But now I hate him. He made me get like this. Someone who was meant to love me.
A single tear drop fell down my eye but I frantically wipe it away before anyone sees, but Katie saw.
"Can I...have a minute with India?" She said quietly.
Freddie and my mom got up to walk out, but Effy stayed in her seat.
"Alone?" Katie said. 
Effy looked at me.
"It's alright Eff," I nod. Effy left the room, laughing as she walked past Katie who looked like she'd seen a ghost.
"I wouldn't have done it if there was a possibility there was a baby involved India, I swear!" She plead as soon as the door shut. 
I glare at her in confusion.
"What are you talking about?" I say blankly. 
"You pissed me off, Freddie was about to break up with me...I shouldn't have, I'm sorry I-" She muttered so fast that I just about heard what she said before she burst into tears.
"Katie?" I said.
"I told your mom...I told her!" She said, now sobbing uncontrollably.
"Told her what?" I said firmly, glaring at the red-haired girl who was falling apart in front of my eyes.
"That Cook was hitting you." She said, wiping her eyes.
I blink at her, dumbfounded. Cook had never hit me in my life. He wouldn't dare.
"Get out." I said quietly.
"India please, I didn't mean for any of this to happen I just I- I'm so so-" She said before I screamed at her.
"Get the fuck out."
She ran out of the room. I saw Freddie run after her through the window of the hospital room.
Effy ran in.
"It's her fault Eff, he's really gone, he's gone!" I sobbed
Then my mother walked in.
Everything clicked.
"You." I said.
She stopped in her tracks.
"India, you have to understand I- I- I did it for you!" She said.
"No, you know perfectly well that Cook would never lay a finger on me." I said flatly.
Effy looked at me, confused.
"The crazy red haired bitch told my dearest mother that Cook's been beating me, but my mother knows that's not true." I said sharply.
Effy looked at my mother.
"Listen darling, I did it for you...." Mum said.
I glared at her.
"Tell the truth now mom." I say.
"I'm sorry! I guess I was jealous of you...my own daughter, I must admit, I knew that girl was lying as I know my daughter wouldn't stay with a woman beater...but she put an idea in my head..." Mum exclaimed.
Effy looked confused again.
"She tried to chase him away with money Eff, but it didn't work...because you tried to say he left that money to me....so how did you get him to leave?" I said.
"I told him how bad of a father he'd be...that he had to leave to save his kid if you were pregnant...darling I-"
"Save it mother, I never want to see you again...all you do is fuck random men, you couldn't look after your other daughter so you fucked her off so you could get fucked! How dare you chase Cook off and tell him he'd be a bad parent! He'd be a better parent that you'd EVER be...now piss off out of my life....go and live with one of your fellas, I don't want to see your face round here AGAIN!" I yelled.
She blinked. Then nodded.
"I understand...I love you, always." She said.
She looked at me, hopefully. 
"I loved you too." I said.
She sobbed as she walked out of the hospital room.
I turned to Effy. 
Tears emerged in my eyes.
"Oh Eff!" I said, before I burst into floods of tears.

I spent about an hour sobbing in tears, then Freddie re appeared all rared up. Katie had told him. He said they split up, I saw Effy smile very faintly. I told Freddie everything that happened. He agreed with my decision to shun my mother out of town.

A week later and I was discharged out of hospital. Cook's flat had been taken whilst I was in there. the council had got word that he left town. So Effy had to ring my stupid mother, who luckily was filthy rich, she offered to keep the house and pay for me to live in it. As she should.
We had been trying to look for Cook, well JJ and Freddie had been whilst I was in hospital. 
After they came back from a random town with no luck, It came to me.
He'd gone to find his dad.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now