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mental health checkup point

is everyone okay? my writing is getting heavy but i wanted to give the characters more substance just so their actions are explained further & so you can connect with them more.

Mary's story (Freddie mother), Cook and India's miscarriage, Cook's being fostered & having and evil stepdad are all my own original ideas. Obviously in the real skins Freddie's mum did commit suicide and end up in a clinic but they never explained how or why so I thought I'd take that further.

My writing style is very odd, I like to switch between first and third person, I make that clear by marking it out before I write further. I hope you guys can get behind the switching of first and third person - sometimes you can give more depth with third person & first person is good when I want you guys to know exactly what someone is feeling. I do this a lot with my other stories too.

I have so many other story ideas that I haven't wrote about or I've saved them as drafts, 9 times out of 10 I've written a new part 2 two weeks ago before I release them just so I always have something at hand.

I am trying to be more consistent with this story but it's harder when you've got a small audience because I can't tell wether people are enjoying or not.

Thankyou to all those who have made it this far. Follow me, favourite my parts, add me to your reading lists or comment, it inspires me so much more than you guys will ever know.

KEEP YOUR EYES PEELED I HAVE A JAMES COOK STORY READY TO POST I have about 20 parts ready to just go, so if this story is a hit, I will be releasing.

I want to start a new story also, it won't get released for like a month because as I said, I back log all the parts up so I can release 10 and have 10 in my drafts.
Do you guys want another Skins based story, Harry potter or a story I've made up with original characters that are my own? let me know.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now