Season 3 - 6.

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(short filler chapter - has t been re read)

I nervously ball my fist and knock the red door 3 times, the red door that once upon a time I would have burst through.
I breathe in nervously as the door swings open and a blonde head appears.
"India? How lovely!" Anthea exclaims, a huge grin across her face.
"Hi, Anthea." I said tensely.
"Come on darling." She said, stepping to one side. I stepped inside her house which hadn't changed one bit.
I gulped at the family picture hung on the wall before following her into the living room and awkwardly perching on the sofa.

"So, how you doing darling?" She smiled.
"Great." I mumbled, forcing a smile at the end.
"Effy was always good at that, pretending she was fine, tell me how you're really feeling." She replied wisely.
I huffed, explaining my situation with Cook and hesitantly telling her my situation with Freddie. She nodded carefully before commenting.
"You and her were always so similar, I can't tell you what to do, but I can tell you what not to do."

"What's that?"

"Don't push away the people you love." She smiled, leaving the room to put the kettle on.

I left the living room to use the toilet. I walked up the stairs, a different way to how I'd run up them a few years back. As I came out the toilet I couldn't help but notice that Effy's room door was in fact a crack open.

My feet carried me forwards and my hands pushed the door open whilst my mind was left standing in the bathroom doorway and gaping at Effy's room.

Everything inside was the exact same as how I remembered it.

"Tea!" Anthea announced downstairs.
I pulled my eyes shut and reopened. It was all real. Effy wasn't there.


After having tea with Anthea, I waved her goodbye and walked down the path of her house, not daring to look over at my old house.

The walk back to Freddie's was long, I has to walk through a neighbourhood with colossal houses which make the walk feel longer. It felt like a year had been added to my life as I walked past every 4 million pound home. I took a glance towards the house I was walking past. There was a prolonged path that lead to the huge manor-house. A 'look at me I'm fucking rich' fountain stuck out of the ground. A drive was lined with luxury cars worth more than 2 average brits put together. As I glared over I saw a familiar figure submerge from the big oak door entrance to the gargantuan house.

It was Tasha.

She was screaming down the phone and storming down her drive. I panicked and hid behind a car that was parked on the pavement. I slowly peered through the car windows as she reached the end of her drive.
"Grace! ahhhh! I think he's gonna propose!" Tasha squeaked.
My guts felt like they were being carelessly scrumpled like a scrap piece of paper.
"Yes! it looked expensive!" She squeaked.
What looked expensive?
the ring
How the fuck could Cook afford a ring that that would be up to her standards.
"It was under our bed!" She voiced down the phone.
Our bed.
I was glad when she walked in the opposite direction to the way I was going, but not glad to hear the conversation.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now