10. Got it?

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Cook walked me home that morning, he even kissed me goodbye. I was tempted to stay as his again, but I needed to freshen up and check on Effy.

I knock on Effy's door, hoping she's in.
The door swung open.
Effy had answered, she stood in the doorway, her hair messed up, her makeup smudged and reeking of vodka.
"I've fucked up India." Was the first thing she said.
I give her a hug, step into her house and shut the door behind me. She sobbed into my shoulder. I stroke her hair.

As she sniffed and hiccuped I escaped her hug and held her hand, leading her upstairs. It became clear that she was home alone as her Mom hadn't called out to see who was at the door.
I left Effy in her room and went into her bathroom to run her a bath.

Half an hour later I had washed her all over, scrubbing off her eyeliner and pulling about twenty hair grips out of her hair before washing it.
She remained sobbing the whole

I passed her a towel and told her to get dressed into some pyjamas in her room whilst I went downstairs to prepare her some food.

I threw some fruit she had into a bowl, cutting it up nicely before, and then I buttered some toast I had made for her. I poured a glass of mango juice out for her before putting it all in an arrangement on a tray for her.
I carried it upstairs.

When I walked in she was sitting in a ball on the floor still in her towel.

"Effy...it's okay, I'm here...shhh," I say.
I eventually get her to stop crying.

She gets dressed and sits at her desk to eat her food. I blow dry her damp hair as she does.

Now she's clean and fed I finally ask her what's wrong.

"Freddie. He doesn't want me...a-anymore..." She says, sniffling and fighting back tears.

"Oh Eff." I say, rubbing her back in sympathy.

"It's my fault India, I drove him away...b-but it's only because I was scared of hurting him...but he hurt me," She sobbed.

"It's okay."

"He- He's dating...k-katie!"


"Fitch...more like bitch."

We laugh at her joke.

"How did you find out Eff?"

"I saw them snogging at the party, then Katie came over and told me they were dating, that bitch, she was showing off...but I pulled it together...I acted like I didn't care...but it made it worse."

"He's probably trying to make you jealous."

She nodded.

"Don't retaliate," I add "It'll make
it worse okay, you're going to have to wait for them to finish...bet it won't be long." She smiles then turns to face me.
"Where did you get to?" She says, nudging me - knowing the answer already.
"We didn't do ," I laugh "Oh Effy, it was amazing!"
I tell her everything that happened.
"Ahh!!! that's so cute! I'm glad one of us is happy..." She smiles.
"We're meant to be going for a meal today, it's JJ's birthday, that's you're chance to dress up and show him what he's missing out on Eff!" I say.
She does the Effy smile.
"I'll be back in an hour yeah?" I say.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now