Season 3 - 4.

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(haven't re-read, there's probs mistakes x)

Today was Freddie's 21st birthday, So everyone was going to a new club in town. I was feeling very nervous because I was certain Cook would be there. However, I was also excited because JJ, Naomi and Emily would be there and Thomas, Panda and Katie were coming into town, just like old times...minus Eff.

I wanted to make a good impression for no particular reason...okay to impress Cook, so I put on an orange dress that complimented my skin tone. I straightened my hair and out in in a middle sorting a wore matching orange heels. I stood in the mirror for ages, wondering wether it was too much and wether my figure looked good enough.
"You look amazing." Freddie said, walking into the room in ripped jeans and a t-shirt.
"Thankyou birthday boy, I have a present for you." I said, pointing and the small present on my bed. He picked it up and pulled the ribbon so it fell elegantly into his hand, he pulled the lid off the box and peered in. He smiled immediately, laughing at the sight of the amount of weed in the box.
"Thanks, I'll have to share some with you, I don't do drugs as much anymore." He said, a sad smile on his face.
I hadn't thought about that.
"Tip the box out." I said.
He did as I said and a chain tipped out.
"Wow, I love it." He smiled a cheesy grin before giving me a hug.
"We ought to get going." Grace called.
I rolled my eyes, wondering why she always had to be around Freddie so he could never get a minute to his own.
Grace gave me and odd look, this was enough for me to know that I looked fucking incredible.
She was wearing a yellow frilly dress with weird ruffles in random places paired with green shoes. I grimaced at the sight.

"Pandaaaa!" I screamed running up to her and wrapping my arms around her tightly.
"Whizzer Indie, you look flip-flopping fantastic." She said. She still smelt like candy floss.
"Thanks." I said, turning to Thomas who was stood beside her.
"I'm so glad you two gave it another go." I smiled, pulling Thomas into a hug.
I looked to Katie who was awkwardly stood behind Panda and Tommo. I decided to forgive her in that moment and give her a hug.
"How you doing? what you been up to?" I asked her.
"Fashion design in London I love it!" She exclaimed, clearly excited.
"That suits you so much!" I said politely.
"Look, I'm sorry for everything I did before, I was a dick and I was jealous, I know it's no excuse and everything, but I'd like to be your friend." She said nervously.
I gave her a hug.
"I should tell you, there's two girls
giving you the weirdest looks right now." She warned whilst hugging me. I pulled away and looked over. y shoulder to see Tasha in a matching green dress to Grace's, making her look like a massive bogey.
"Talk about fashion disaster." Katie gulped.
I giggled and linked our arms together to walk into the club. I imagined Effy on my other side as I walked beside Katie.

"Hello there India." A voice said from behind me. I halted, knowing exactly who it was. I whipped my head around and wrapped my arms around the curly headed boy. "JJ, I missed you so much!" I squealed.
I waited for some brutally honest comment in which he'd say I barely spoke to him back-a-day but a smile grew across his face instead.
"I'm glad your here actually, I was hoping you can save food from that nasty girl." JJ stated.
I laughed.
"I don't think he wants me J, he's not showed up yet has he?" I asked.
"Oh yes, he's snorting cocaine in the toilets." JJ simply stated.
"Ah, right." I said, JJ turned in the spot and walked away. I shrugged my shoulders and took 2 shots off a tray from a lady that was walking by in the crowd. I poured them into my mouth and felt the burn as the fiery liquid made its way down my throat.

Moments later Cook appeared at the bar, next to me, he didn't realise I was there so turned to give me his "pulling" chat but then realised it was me.
"Oh hi." He said.
"Oh hi? am I the bane of your existence now?" I laughed.
He chuckled dryly.
"Weird seeing you around." He said.
"Weird being back." I replied.
"I heard you met Tasha." He stated.
"Oh, yeah." I chimed, trying to not make it obvious that I simply cannot stand her already.
"You we're trying to intimidate her apparently, don't do that." He spoke, seriousness in his tone.
He could not be serious.
"First off, I'm not mother of your unborn child,  so don't fucking talk to me like I'm a random club whore gagging for your dick, second of all, all I did was serve her at my new job and third of all, she wouldn't be too pleased if she knew you were in my bed a few weeks ago, wether we had sex or not, so fuck off to your rude, bitch of girlfriend, well that's if your back together or not." I seethed. I could of sworn a smirk appeared across his face as I stormed off, snatching my drink off the side of the bar.

I danced with Freddie and Katie, we all laughed as we watched Naomi and Emily slip out of the crowd and towards the club cloak room. That's when we spotted Grace dancing with a boy. Freddie watched carefully. I could sense he knew what was about to happen as Grace locked lips with the unlucky fella.
"Freddie! what the fuck?!" I spat, ready to march over but getting pulled back by Freddie
"Leave it, she does it all the time." Freddie sighed.
"What the fuck, why do you let her do that you're so much-" But I was cut off by a kiss being planted on my lips.
Was Freddie kissing me?
He pulled away after a few seconds.
"Sorry, I- she was looking and..." He muttered.
I thought carefully.
What would Effy think.
I closed my eyes and thought carefully about my best friend ever. I imagined her as if she were there, she shrugged her shoulders and told me to do whatever made me happy.
I opened my eyes, Katie had awkwardly turned the other way, Freddie was waiting for me to say something, Grace was giving me daggers along side Tasha...who was stood by the one and only...Cook, who was also looking our way, and unreadable expression on his face.
Fuck Cook.
"India?" Freddie said.
I ignored him for just a second longer.
If Cook had obviously gotten back with Tasha and clearly didn't want me and Effy would want me to get my revenge and have a chance to be happy, I guess I was well in my rights to kiss Freddie back, right?

Without another moment of dwelling I wrapped my arms around Freddie's neck and kissed him hard. He was frozen for a second, obviously going through the same thought process as me but he eventually kissed back passionately. I guess me a Freddie could work, he was attractive and we could help each other.
With that thought, I slipped my tongue into his mouth and he did the same. Our tongues swirling around each other, realising a beast inside of me that hadn't come out to play for a while. I smiled against him as his hands explored my body over my dress until he eventually slipped his hand under and squeezed my arse slightly aggressively, reminding me of when we pity-fucked in college. Things never change eh. I let out a moan into his mouth and he began kissing down my neck. I looked over to Grace, Tasha and Cook. Grace was now hungrily snogging the guy she kissed earlier, except she was unattractively more or less eating his face. Tasha was calling after Cook who was walking off, serves all of their rights.

I gave Freddie my full attention again and he picked me up and carried me out of the club, flagging down a taxi for us to get into and telling the driver our address.

"Freddie?" I said as we climbed into the cab.
"Don't think." He said, kissing me like his life depended on it. I could feel myself getting wet.
"Hey!" The taxi man yelped, pointing to a sign that read:
no kissing, no finger blasting, no shagging, no bj's and no handjobs.
We chuckled at the sign as Freddie rubbed my thigh right on my sensitive parts.

Freddie threw a £10 note at the driver, and hopped out the taxi, not bothering to wait for the change.
He picked me up bridal style, unlocking the front door, opening and closing it before carrying me upstairs and into his room.

He threw me on the bed as I waited impatiently for his lips to crash against mine. I yanked off his t-shirt as he sat me up and unzipped my dress, yanking it off of me and throwing it on the floor. His eyes eagerly scanned my body and my eyes roamed his toned chest. I put my hand on his erect buldge i've this trousers which he immediately removed along with his boxers. I watched as his boner fell out and thought about what we were about to do.

I pulled my panties and bra off, Freddie admiring my naked body. "Bringing memories back to our old pity fucks?" I laughed.
He nodded.
"Nothing's changed, here we are again." He laughed knowingly. He pulled a condom out of his drawer and put it on. With no warning he slotted himself inside of me, causing me to let out a moan.

Our sex wasn't passionate, it was rough, dirty and needy. He turned me around and whimpered as I moaned and grappled onto the duvet. Our moans entwined as we both came undone and Freddie slopped next to me onto his bed.
"Fucking hell." He breathed.
"I cannot believe we just did that." I sighed.
"Do you regret it?" He asked.
"Yep." I replied honestly.
"Me too." He replied.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now