14. Milf

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(One week later - third person pov)
"Cook for FUCK'S sake will you STOP drinking so much, you're making a mess of yourself and the flat with your cans fucking everywhere!" India hissed at the dirty-blonde boy who was asleep on the sofa last night's clothes.
"Stop being such a fuckin nag, it's my flat." Cook mumbled.
India stopped in her tracks. Astonished that this was how Cook was talking to her.
"Are you really going to act like that when I spent loads of money trying to make it nice for you? and what happened to that job I got you?" India said, shoving empty cans of beer and used weed packets into a bin bag.
"Haven't been." Cook stated.
India paused for a second.
"What?" She hissed.
"I. Haven't. Been." Cook said.
India smacked him with the back of her hand so he would open his eyes and look at her. She had wished she could've hit him harder, but that wasn't going to solve anything.
"Fucks sake, you heard me, I haven't been, don't like being told what to do." He said, sitting up, shrugging and cracking open a can.
"You haven't even brushed your teeth yet!" India said, snatching the beer out of Cook's hand and throwing it into the bin bag. "So you mean to tell me, I went out of my way to get you a job and you've not even been to it?" India said calmly.
"No babe." He said, closing his eyes again.
She really did want to scream and shout but she understood Cook, and she understood that it wouldn't solve anything. "You need to sort it out." She said. 
India sat on the sofa, pushing Cook up and resting his head in her lap. She played with his hair.
Cook nuzzled into her. She leaned forward and planted a kiss on his forehead. "Cook, please stop doing all this drinking and faffing about, I can't be with you if you're going to be like this."
Cook moved uncomfortably.
Cook thought carefully about what India said. He's never had anyone be so patient with him, he really did love her, but it took him so much to not destruct the whole thing. He thought carefully about his next few words before he finally said. "I fucking love you and I will do absolutely an-"
"I think I'm pregnant."
all fell quiet, the only noise in the room came from the fridge.
Cook sat up immediately and stared at India.
India's eyes prickled.
Had Cook just heard her right?
Cook's mouth moved but no words came out.
"Cook I- I still have to go to the hospital and do scans, the tests may be wrong..." India uttered, worried.
Cook hugged India, still lost for words. He pulled away and placed his hands on her belly. "I swear to you and that possible baby, I will do everything in my power to be the best dad ever." He finally said, wiping tears from his eyes. India sobbed into his shoulder.
"Oh, baby I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner I just jus-" India spluttered in tears.
"Shhh, shh it's okay...this is the best day of my life...I'm going to be a better dad to my son than my dad ever was, I'm gonna go to the job centre tomorrow and everything!" Cook said excitedly.
"Son?" India giggled.
"Well yeah, we can't have a girl." Cook said. India giggled, placing her hands on her stomach.
"How long have you known?" He said.
"About 2 weeks." India replied.
He had wondered why she never told him, but then he realised he'd barely been sober the whole fortnight.
"I've spent about £100 on tests the past couple of weeks, and they've all come out different...there's a test in my handbag." India said.
Cook scrambled to his feet to try and find India's handbag, he eventually found it by the front door, he  rammed his hand in and pulled out a test.

India heard a sob. "There could be a baby in there." He pointed to my stomach "Mine and yours, ours." He said, "it's fucking brilliant, I love it." He said. India knew this had meant a lot to Cook.
She saw Cook pause. "We can still shag though....or you can suck me nosh every now and then...right?" Cook said.
"Yes Cook." India said, rolling her eyes and then laughing.
"You best come over here and take them panties off then...milf." Cook said, winking.

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