8. Sirens.

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Cook drew back his fist and punched the boy in the nose, who ushered away, floods of red on the hand he held over his mouth.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing with him?" Cook spat
I stared at up him. Baffled at what I had supposedly done.
The girl he was dancing with came over and slapped me in the face.
My head jerked to the side, my hair whipping around with it.
I smile before slowly turning to face her.
"You shouldn't have done that."
The girl's face flashed with fear.
I drew my hand back, slapping her even harder, sending her back a few paces as she clutched into her stupid face. She stumbled backwards, trying to balance on her stupidly thin heels.
Effy came over.
"Want me to help you with that?" Effy said, smiling the Effy and India smile.
"Yes please." The other girl said, trying to hold onto to Effy to keep her balance.
Effy kicked the girls' heel.
She fell to the floor with a thud.
Everyone was staring.
"Oops." Effy said.

I look up at Cook with the sexiest gaze into his eyes I could. I reached up to my face and smoothly wiped the lipstick on my face that was sure to be smudged after the slap I received, still making eye contact.
A small smile emerged on Cook's face.
I lean forward to whisper in his ear over the loud music, making sure to press my whole body against him.
I felt that he was hard against my leg.
"Looks like your date is on the floor James." I whisper, making sure to graze his neck with my lips as I with drew my face back. He went to try and kiss me, but I pretend not to notice, turning around and flicking my hair in his face. I turn to the girl on the floor.

"Sorry babe." I wink to him and stride off linking Effy's arm, turning away to wave goodbye at Cook who stood gazing at me, a smile across his face.

Me and Effy walked out of the club in hysterics.
We high-five each other.
But then the door opened behind us.
"Could I erm, have a minute...Eff...Please?" He said, hands in his pockets and looking at the floor.
"There's a party at the Fitches' India, I'll meet you there yeah?" She said.
I nod.
Effy turned and began to walk away.
I turn to look at Cook who was smiling straight at me.
"That was so sexy." He said.
"Punching that boy wasn't." I say, knocking the smile off his face straight away.
"I'm not having some random geezer touch you like that are you fucking mental?" He said, getting heated.
I cross my arms.
"I don't belong to you Cook, remember? you could've had me, but you didn't want me." I say, starting to get angry.
"I did...DO want you...but I can't have you..." He said, wailing his arms around.
"Why not? Why is it okay for you to sleep with other girls, MY FRIEND and to dance with girls and do whatever the fuck else you do, It's obviously not okay for me to do that, we're not even together!" I shout.
The people who had come outside the pub for a smoke were staring at us.
I notice the bouncer quietly talking into his walkie-talkie.
"Okay then, I won't." Cook Shrugged.
"You didn't answer my question." I say holding back tears.
"Because I love you India, but I'll fuck it up, or you'll go but I don't wanna lose you." He says.
I scoff and turn to walk away.
I turn around and see a dent in the metal club door.
Suddenly a group of bouncers jump on him.
"LET HIM GO! PLEASE! LET HIM GO!" I scream, now crying and trying to frantically get through the bouncers and to Cook who was in the middle of the kerfuffle.
"NO! NO!!!" I scream. I can hear Cook shouting my name amongst them.
The bouncers stop immediately.
Confused I look around.
The sound of a police siren was getting close.
I pull Cook up and we both run through town as fast as we can, holding hands.
Cook pulled me down a random alley and round a corner and up some stairs. "In here!" He said, opening a red door and pulling me in.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now