Season 2- 4.

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(A/N A short one)

I went home and had a nap but was awoken when India invited me to the cafe down the road. We walked there in silence and took a seat in a booth next to a window. I huffed as I put my bag on the floor. 
"So what's Cook's problem then?" I came out with.
India looked at me sideways.
"Effy...we lost a child." She stated.
"But, you weren't even planning on having one anyway." I replied.
"Are you dense? you try losing a baby Effy." India said, searching through my eyes.
"You're right, sorry for being a dick." I sighed.
She nodded.
"I'll be back in a sec, popping to the loo" I said.
I got up and tripped over my bag slightly.

When I came back India was staring at the floor.
I looked to see what she was looking at and I saw my pills and spliff had fallen out of my bag and were on display. I kicked them back in the bag and sat back down at the table where two cups of
tea and a brownie each had appeared.
"Thanks." I nodded at what she had bought.
"Effy, do you remember when you overdosed a couple years back? that was one of the worse days of my life." She whispered.
I laughed and rolled my eyes.
"I've just got a couple pills and some spliff India, chill yeah?" I crossed my arms.
"Well what happened to what you had last night?" She asked.
"Lost some." I lied.
"Don't lie to me Effy." She snapped and pointed at me.
"Don't point your finger at me." I hissed.
"What is your issue with people giving a fuck about you Effy? me, Tony, Your mom, Cook and even Freddie." She spat.
"Don't bring Freddie into this." I said, looking out the window. It had began raining outside.
"Why not, you pushed him a way and now you're all interested in him." She replied.
I glared at her.
"Effy you are going to kill yourself with the amount of drugs you have." She pleaded with me and pointed towards my bag.
I pulled the bag closer to me.
"I will be fine, you don't have to worry about me." I protested.
She clenched her jaw.
"You worry about fixing your life after losing that baby of yours." I muttered.
India's face dropped. I had taken it too far.
"No, India I-" I began.
"Save it, you obviously don't need me anymore, don't
you go chasing after Freddie, you're not good enough for him, and probably never will be," She scolded. "You're dead to me."
Tears prickled my eyes as she snatched her brownie
off the table, threw a £5 note at me and stormed off.
"No, India, please!" I pleaded after her, but she carried on walking off. She pulled the door open and
slammed it behind her. I cringed at
the loud bang. I watched her storm past out of
the window, getting completely soaked by the rain that was now pouring harder than ever.


When I got home I slumped onto my bed, only to hear India and Cook going at it again. I shut my eyes and force it out of my brain. But I couldn't shut them out today, she was probably being loud on purpose.

I scramble around my bedside table and pull out some empty baggies. I scramble to get them all open and shove my tongue into them, making sure to plunge my mouth into into the corners. I turned the baggies inside out and felt the coke melt onto my tongue and tingle.

Craving more I ravenously scrambled through my draw to look for a tiny purple trinket box which had an emergency bag in it. Or so I thought. When I threw the lid across the room and scanned my eyes into the box, I saw an empty bag. So I looked for my other emergency bag in my wardrobe. I could hear Cook and India screaming which fuelled me to look ever harder so I could get a good sniff in and block it out. I eventually found a bag with a small bump in. I poured the contents into my hand and sniffed it all up. I twitched my nose and sat back into my bed. I was satisfied.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now