Season 2 - 5.

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(A/N smut from Cook's pov, I'm explaining why Cook is so into graphic sex i.e. trauma)

Crime, tits, weed, pints, coke, sex and my girl.

All I need right?

I roll over and put my arm around India, slip my hand under her t-shirt and onto her tit. She pushed her bum back onto my dick and shuffled more as she felt it harden. "Again babe?" I whisper into her ear. She jerked her head slightly as my hot breath tingled against her neck. I like making her feel good.
"Yeah." She says.
She turns around and pulls her top off.
I immediately look at her breasts that were round and plump. Not too big, not too small. Perfect tits. I go to touch them but she swatted my hands away.
"Ah ah ah, no touching James." She said.
She climbed onto my chest and shuffled down so she was sat on my cock and staring at me.
She massaged her boobs carefully and flicked her hair. Her hair fell perfectly onto her face as she looked at me with her bottle green eyes, smirking at me with her pink lips.
This was the sexiest view I'd ever seen in my life.
I pull her towards me by her wrists so she's laying on top of me.
"No I want to be in charge this time Cook." She pouted. I ignore her and crash my lips into hers.
I force my tongue into her mouth. Her tongue was soft and slipped across mine perfectly. I pull away to talk. "Mmm you're so perfect baby." I smile.
She blushed and tried to hide her face.
I put my finger under her chin and turned her face to mine.
"Take your panties off for me." I said.
I smirk appeared on her face.
"No." She said. Pursing her lips.
She turned her head to the side and pushed her mouth onto my thumb that was before on her cheek.
I grab her neck.
"India." I said firmly.
She climbed off me and stood beside the bed.
She turned around and slowly pulled down her pants, bending over to expose her pussy.
I yank my boxers down and grab her. I force her onto of me. She looks at me and grins ear to ear. "You like being thrown around yeah?" I spit, grabbing her and placing her onto my dick.
She yelps at the length then moans.
"Mhmm Cook." She said.
I glared at her and watch her facial expressions, enjoying the satisfaction of her face as I drill her whilst she's on top. The skin slapping, her boobs jumping, her hair in her face, the moans in the room.
Everything is stimulating me. I thrust my hips up ever faster and watch carefully as India's mouth turned into an 'O'.
"Suck my dick." I spit.
She climbs off and immediately placed my cock into her pretty mouth.
I scoop her hair out of her face so I can see everything.
She keeps eye contact with me and goes up and down.
I grunt and she stops.
"What are you doing?" I say.
She smiles.
She pulls on a robe and walks out the room. I grunt in frustration at the teasing and smile to myself as I put my clothes back on.

I was used to getting my satisfaction. Always. I think back to the first time I finished. I was so confused. My moms second boyfriend, Frank, was playing with me. I didn't know how to feel, I liked it, but I wasn't into boys, men even. Put the act felt nice. Frank smacked me and called me gay when I came in his hand. I was eight. I cried myself to sleep that night. I was fucking confused. A man was touching my 'winky' and it felt nice. I questioned my sexuality. This grown man had me thinking that I wasn't okay in the head, but he raped me I guess. When I was thirteen I realised that I was straight when we had a child abuse talk at school. I hadn't realised it was child abuse OR rape at the time, as I had told my mom and she shrugged it off.

From the age of 13, I decided I wanted to have sex with a girl. There was this girl in my head that fancied me, Amber, she was okay, decent looking - I'd never paid attention to her mind, I was too busy
nicking bikes out of people's gardens whilst Freddie went on the watch for me. I asked her to go to the park with me one day. We ended up shagging in a bush until and old lady found us when she was looking for her dog. I ended up running away. Since then I've been addicted to the thrill of sex. The dirtier the better, it's fulfilling and thrilling.
India does the sex that I like. She's sex on sticks.
I've fucked her in the kitchen, on the sofa, in public, someone else's bed, in a hot tub - anywhere you think, I've done it.


I nipped to the pub with Freddie in the evening. He was winging about his concern for Effy.
"Cook, are you listening, this is important?" He said.
"Look Fredster, she pissed off my girl so she pissed off me, I couldn't give a fuck." I replied, pouring my 7th pint down my throat.
"You're a cunt after a drink, you know that?" Freddie hissed.
"Yep." I said proudly, nodding at the barmaid and slapping a £5 note in her hand for another pint.
Freddie scoffed and crossed his arms.
"Should I text her?" He asked.
"Should you fuck!" I laughed, scraping my change off the side of the bar and shoving it into my back pocket.
"You're seriously gonna drink another one?" He nodded at the pint that the barmaid placed in front of me whilst pulling out his phone to presumably message Effy.
"You're seriously gonna message Effy." I chimed. He swallowed.
"Wanker." Freddie scoffed under his breath.
The bell above the door went and I turned to see who'd just walked in. It was none other than Frank, my mum's ex.

"Well if it isn't James!" He exclaimed, catching my eye. Freddie looked up to see who was calling me James. I ignored Frank and turned to Freddie.
"Come on let's go." I said.
"But you haven't finished your drink." Freddie argued.
That's when I felt an arm grip around my shoulder.
I turned to face the ugly man with shoulder length greasy hair.
"Frank." I gritted.
"Alright Cook, you're looking healthy." He grimaced, bearing his black and yellow barely-there-teeth as he looked me up and down slowly.
I snatched my shoulder away.
"Fuck off." I hissed.
"Cook?" Freddie said from behind me. I ignored him.
"Play nice now Cookie." He laughed, wagging his dirty finger at me.
I clenched my fist. I couldn't feel this humiliated in front of the pub regulars. I felt like a little
boy again.
Frank was laughing hysterically.
"Cook..." Freddie said.
"Now look here you whiney bastard,"
Frank started. "Reel it in."
"Listen you fucker, fuck off before I knock the lights off inside your head." I snarled.
Freddie stood up behind me.
The ugly man before me cackled, finding something hilarious.
I threw a punch a lot quicker than expected. Frank lost his footing and flying back a few meters. I could have left it there but I didn't.
I marched towards him and grabbed his top. I slammed my balled fist into his smug face multiple times. Women were screaming. Freddie was trying to hold me back. Blood was flying through the air. Franks face was a red mess. I was ready to smack his face against the bar but three men had carried me away. I escaped for a moment but Freddie had held me back. The men threw me outside the pub and slammed the door as Freddie walked out behind me.

"Cook what the fuck is fucking wrong with you?" Freddie bellowed, rage making his voice crack.
"Nothing." I replied, getting to my feet and wiping my covered-in-blood hands on my trousers.
"Why the fuck do you beat him to a pulp?" Freddie spat gripping his hair in his hands and staring at me intently.
I laughed.
"It's not funny!" He hissed. He shook his head and walked off.
I'd call after him but there was more important things to worry about.


I got home and shouted for India but she didn't reply. I went up to the bedroom and saw she was asleep in bed. I watched her chest rise and fall
slowly, she looked peaceful, but then her eyes shot open.
"Cook! oh my god baby you're covered in blood what happened to you?" She said immediately sitting up and cupping my face in her warm hands.
"Nothing, had a fight." I replied.
"With who?" She asked, getting up and pulling me towards the bathroom. I ignored her not wanting to tell her who. My hand had stared to hurt as I'd punched a car window out of rage on my walk home.

India made a fuss over me for an hour. I didn't say anything. I watched as she dabbed my face, pulled glass out of my hands, cleaned the fists and bandaged my hand. She had a focused look across her face. I realised how much I genuinely love this girl.
"Aren't you gonna ask me why, or who?" I said.
She looked up at me.
"No." She said softly.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because you're here and safe with me." She replied, making me lift my hands up so she could lift off my blood stained top. She eyed my chest carefully to see if there was any glass or cuts on my chest. I watched her with a smile on my face.
She looked up at me. "What?" She blushed.
"You. I love you." I said.
Her face went red and she smiled. "I love you too." She replied.
"C'mere." I said, opening my arms wide. She gave me a hug before slipping out the room to go back to sleep, I wasn't far behind her

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now