12. Fat old man.

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Since I had seen Cook's apartment I decided I need to get a job as I wanted to help him make it nicer. I even persuaded Cook to get a job, considering his only income was government funds - a good 50% of it gets pissed up the wall at the weekend.
I got a job at the local Sainsbury's, £6 an hour.

Slowly I got to cook some more pots and pans, utensils, bedding, cleaning supplies, bedding and all sorts of decor for his flat.

I'd even got Cook a job at a butcher, which was starting today. I was sitting in his apartment, putting away the food shop I had gotten him and the door suddenly swung open and Cook stumbled in.
He was meant to be at his first day at his new job.
"Wheyyy!!! Here she is! my girlllll!" He shouted, staggering over to me and flinging his arms around my shoulders.
"Cook, you're meant to be at work." I say calmly.
His face dropped.
"I-I forgot...shit...India, I'm so sorry." Cook says, almost as if he'd snapped back into soberness.
I roll my eyes and put the oven on.
But it didn't flicker. No gas.
"Did you get the gas?" I said.
Cook shuffled slightly.
"Ah...well..." He mumbled.
"Toast for dinner...again." I say through gritted teeth.
"Sorry baby." He said kissing me on the forehead and stumbling to the sofa.
Within two minutes, he was snoring.
I huff and pull my phone out of my pocket to call the Butchers. "Hi....yeah.....I'm so so so sorry - he passed out this morning, we've been in the hospital all day, was just a bit of dehydration, he'll be in tomorrow." I say down the phone to Cook's new manager.
"Okay no problem, he'll be in at 9 in the morning yeah?" The man spoke on the phone.
"Yea." I said.
The line fell flat.
I glare at Cook fast asleep on the sofa. I pull the gas key out of his pocket and put a blanket over him.
I pull my shoes on and head out the door, locking it behind me with my own set of keys.

I walked to the corner shop around the corner and prayed it was still open. I strut in and decide to browse down the aisles to see if there's anything else we could need in the flat.
"Hello there gorgeous girlie, now where do I recognise you from?" A deep groggy voice said from behind me. I turn around and see an old fat man with greasy hair standing behind me in a black leather jacket and a creased shirt.
"Oh hi." I said, warily, then walked off.
He followed me.
"Where are you going love?" He said, grabbing my hand.
I turn to see the man behind the till who had headphones on. I turn back to the man who was inches away from my face.
"Go away, you old creep." I hiss, snatching my hand away.
"How dare yo-" He began, but was cut off by a familiar voice.
I turn to see Freddie clutching his skateboard and a packet of biscuits.
"Oi, what are you doing?" Freddie says, squaring up to the old man who chuckled.
"Who are you boy?" He spat.
"Don't worry." Freddie said, grimacing at the man standing before him.
"Hey! None of that in my shop!" The man behind the counter said, finally realising what was going on.
The old man observed Freddie's face then he turned to look at me before he walked away and out of the shop.

After finally getting the gas and some washing-up liquid, Freddie walked me back to Cook's.
"How've you been?" I say.

"Good, apart from arguing with Katie today." He replied.


"Yeah," He chuckled awkwardly, "so you and Cook are a thing now?"

"Yeah." I smiled.

"I'm glad." He said, patting my shoulder.
"Got a job, Sainsbury's...I got Cook one at the butcher bit too, but he missed his first day....getting pissed at the pub..." I say, trying to keep my angry tone back. "And forgot to get the gas..."
Freddie shook his head. "Idiot, at least you're sorting him out - been trying to tell him he needed a good girl the past couple of years."

"I'm trying Fred."

"Don't give up on him, I swear he'll get better, he
just needs someone to believe in him, can you do that for me?" He asked.

"If you do something for me." I said.

"Anything." Replied Freddie.

"End that stupid relationship with Katie, you don't even like her." I say.
Freddie chuckled.

"I honestly do like her, not as much as I liked Effy, but it's looking like it might end soon," He said.
We had now reached the stairs to the flat.
"So, you living with him?"

"No, just trying to make it nicer for him, and to help him - I spend most my time in that flat y'know?"

"You're a nice person India, now go inside it's freezing out here, I'll see you at college yeah?" He said.

"Yeah thanks, oh and thanks for making that man go away, uh- bye." I said, climbing the stairs.

I unlocked the door to the flat and walked in, waving at Freddie who had made sure that I got in okay, still stood below the stairs until I shut the door.
I lock the door behind me to see Cook still asleep on the sofa. I huff and put the gas key where it belonged.
I climbed into Cook's bed, I'm saving up to get a double bed so we can lay comfortably together at night. I set an alarm for half 7, to wake Cook up and make breakfast whilst he gets ready for work.
I slip into bed and fall into a deep slumber, apart from when I felt Cook climb in next to me in the night.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now