Season 2 - 14

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I got home and slumped on my bed after taking my medication from the hospital, feeling as though I was on cloud nine. Maybe this manic depression thing wasn't going to dictate my life after all because, Effy Stonem is happy, and Effy Stonem has a boyfriend. I couldn't wait to get on the phone and tell India, my bestest friend.

I wanted so badly to get my life back on track so I began to think of things I could do to kickstart it. Perhaps I could start going to college again? Get a job? go travelling? I could barely contain myself with excitement as I thought of the endless possibilities. I decided to message Freddie in my excitement.

Hey boyfriend, miss you alr, wanna come to mine ? x

Fredster 🛹
Miss you too, gimme 30 mins yeah? x

I drop my phone to my chest and grin to myself. I decided I needed to clean my room before he came so I got started right away. I shoved things in my wardrobe and under my bed before I picked up a jacket of mine and something dropped out.
I looked to the floor and saw a tiny baggy with 2 pills left in it. I crouched down and picked the bag up.
I stared at the pills for a while.
I took a deep breath and emptied the contents into my hand. I decided to finish what I paid for, placing the pills on my tongue and sitting back onto my bed to wait for Freddie. Perhaps we'd kiss for ages? or have sex for the first time? Or cuddle? whatever couples do. I decided to take a mental note to ask India what couples do when they spend alone time together.



When I arrived to Effy's house, her mom let me in, greeting me with a huge grin. "Want a cup of tea love?" She asked in a motherly tone, causing a huge pang to chime in my stomach.
"No thankyou." I called back before climbing up the stairs and walking into Effy's room.

Third person POV

Freddie saw that Effy had fallen asleep on her bed and carefully sat next to her. He stroked her hair and looked closely at her face. Her eyes were half flickered open.
"Freddie." She croaked.
Layers of unsettling emotions sizzled inside the boy who gripped the bedsheets as the love of his life struggled to talk before his eyes.
"Eff?" He replied frantically, combing her soft hair out of her face to her a proper look at her.
"I-I took the last two..didn't mean for-" She started with a rattle, but weakness was overcoming her numbing body. His eyes misted over as he gripped her hand and shook it as her eyes slowly closed.
They flickered open slightly, Freddie's hope returned, he let go of her hand and frantically tried to grab his phone but dropped it, it bounced off the bed and crashed to the floor breaking into two pieces.
"Where's you phone Eff?" He spluttered, shaking her.
"I do..." She tried.
"You do what Eff?" Freddie asked, still searching for her his struggling girlfriend's phone.
"Love y-" She rattled, her eyes drifting closed and her head toppling over slightly.
"Eff? Effy...EFF!" Freddie's heart twisted as he shook his lover's body in his shaking hands.
"No."He whimpered, shaking the girl.
Dismay - Consternation and distress, typically that's caused by something unexpected - his mouth slack with dismay. 'No, she's just fallen asleep' He thought to himself, or so...he was telling himself. That murky dull feeling where you want to cry boiled up throughout the whole of his body as he screamed for Effy's mother to call an ambulance.

Everything went silent inside of Freddie from this point. He watched her mother run into the room and shake her daughter's lifeless body on the bed beside him, with a phone clutched to her ear. He watched again as she sunk to the ground, her mother mouth wide open as if she were screaming, but no noise came out. He watched as her face screwed up into whimpers and floor of tears left the grieving and in-shock mother's glazed eyes. He watched as the woman shook her perished daughter who was, no more.

An ache pushed against his heart like the ache that occurred when he learned of his mother's death.
A pining melancholy rushed through his veins, an immediate head ache whirring inside of his head that felt like it would never go away. He cried in a low moan for his girlfriend that was nkt coming back, but could not hear himself, just a deafeningly loud ringing noise in his clouded brain.

He pulled himself into a ball as of to hide away from everything. 'If only you could rewind time. that could work right?' he tried desperately re assuring himself before realising his ridiculousness. A hole that could never be filled pierced his still-beating heart.
He pulled Effy into his arms one last time, embracing the shell of the girl he loved dearly like it was the last thing he'd ever do.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now