An introduction to Y/n Potter

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Harry potter has a dizygotic twin (they do not look totally alike as they have only 50% of the same chromosomes), Y/n Potter. Harry and Y/n both have scars on their forehead. Y/n's is shaped a bit like a snake, while Harry's is a thunderbolt. Y/n is a bright student and has a great sense of humor. She also is a fun and caring person. They are raised by the Dursleys till the age of 11.  You and Harry go to Hogwarts together. Harry, Ron, Y/n and Hermione always stick together and get into trouble together. They even have a common archenemy- Draco Lucius Malfoy. Even thinking of Malfoy makes these rush to your head-

"Training for the Ballet, Pottah?"

"Come to see the show?"

"Y/n Potter, you insufferable little know-it-all!"

Someone jolts Y/n awake.

"Wake up! Wake up Y/n! We will be at Hogwarts any moment!" 

You open your eyes to realize you are on the Hogwarts train, on your way to year 4, and see Hermione angrily waking you up.

At Hogwarts, Y/n is an extra for the Gryffindor Quidditch Team and the brightest witch in the year (of course, just as bright as Hermione) 


"You incompetent little fools need to work your hardest if you wish to pass your potions O.W.L.s next year. The headmaster has suggested that you all will work in pairs on a difficult potion. And for the same, you can get a partner by picking a chit from this bowl. Ms. Potter, since you are so interested in comparing quills with the class, why do you not go first?" sneered Snape.

"Oh, how I loathe Snape" you mutter under your breath.

You pick up a chit.

"Oh no no no no no no no." You say, reading the name on your chit.

THE OPPOSITES (DRACO X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now