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Hermione: "So, how was Corner?"

Y/n: "He was a total jerk."

Hermione: "Oh, come on!"

Y/n: "There's no one out there who's better than Draco."

Hermione: "Y/n. He cheated!"

Y/n: "HE DID NOT. (Tells mione everything that happened on astronomy tower.)

Harry and Ron overhear your conversation.


The first DADA class

Harry: "But how is theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there?"

Umbridge: "There is no one out there, dear! Whom do you think wants to attack little children like you?"

Harry: "I don't know.."

Harry and Y/n: "Maybe... Lord Voldemort?"

The entire class flinches at the mention.

Umbridge: "Mr and Ms Potter, my office."


Harry writes the lines.


Umbridge: "Deep down, you both know, you deserve this. Y/n, I want you to clean all the plates on the walls, with this towel."

Y/n starts cleaning the plates, which to her horror, bite. The towel burns her skin.

Harry: "NO!NOOOOO!"

Umbridge: "This should be enough. You both must not tell lies. You are dismissed."

Harry and Y/n leave the class.

Y/n: "Harry, are you going to be alright?"

Harry: "It doesn't hurt me too much. Y/n, your- hands.."

Y/n's hands are scorched, and are continuing to burn.

Y/n: "It feels  like it's.. on fire.."

Harry: "I can't- believe you're smiling, it looks awful."

Y/n: "I- I'll be fine."

You both go back to the common room. For the next few days, Y/n wears black silk gloves all the time.

Y/n: "Harry, I need to tell you something.."

Harry: "It can wait, can't it? I'm going to ask Cho out."

Y/n: "Fine."

Y/n goes to Ron.

Y/n: "R- ron, can I tell you something?"

Ron: "Don't interrupt me at Gobstones! I can't lose to George!"

Y/n: "Sure."

Y/n: "Hermione, I really need to talk.."

Hermione: "Umbridge has a sample O.W.L test tomorrow. I need to study."

Y/n: "Mione, about Umbridge.."

Hermione: "Honestly, Y/n."

Y/n finds Draco.

Y/n: "Dray, I need to tell you something.."

Draco: "Y/n, I'm studying for the DADA test."

Y/n: "Please?"

Draco: "I really want to speak to you, but, Blaise is waiting with his notes."

Y/n: "Alright."


The test is going on (theoretical):

Ron: "Where the bloody hell is Y/n?"

Harry: "She would never miss a test!"

Hermione: "She's so going to fail!"

Draco: "Probably sleeping. Boy, does she love to sleep!"

Hermione: "I'll find her after the test."

Draco: "Tell her to meet me in the courtyard."

Hermione: "Alright."

Hermione bursts into Y/n's dorm.

Hermione: "Get up! Get up lazy cow!"

Hermione sees the bed empty, and finds a note under the pillow.

The note says : "To Hermione. Thank you for not being there for me when I needed you the most. Love, Y/n."

Hermione stands there, confused.

Hermione: "Oh god."

Draco is idling in the Astronomy tower and finds a note. He picks it up and it reads-

The note says : "To Draco. Thank you for not being there for me when I needed you the most. Love, Y/n."

Draco: "Oh Sh!t."

Draco runs around the school, desperate to find Harry.

Draco: "Harry. Y/n, she's not- she's not-"

Harry: "What?"

Hermione: "Harry, we need to search for Y/n. Please."

Ron: "I found a note in my chocolates."
The note says : "To Ron. Thank you for not being there for me when I needed you the most. Love, Y/n."

Harry: "Part ways. Malfoy, there. Mione, there. Me, here, Ron, there."

They all search for Y/n in said directions.

Harry finds a note near Hagrid's hut.

The note says : "To Harry. Thank you for not being there for me when I needed you the most. Love, Y/n."

Harry (eyes wet, gulping back tears) : "Y/n.."

The four meet in the Great Hall.

Hermione: "It's dinner time, and we haven't found her yet."

Ron: "I'm not hungry."

Draco, Mione and Harry don't touch their meals.

Dumbledore: "ATTENTION!"

Harry, Ron, Mione and Draco listen with rapt attention, tense, bated breath.

Dumbledore: "With a heavy heart, I must inform you, that our dear pupil, Y/n Potter.. has been found lifeless in the  forbidden forest."

Harry: "NOOOOOO! NOOOOOOO!!!! NOO! NO!!!" (Harry has a mental breakdown)

Hermione nods sideways, crying.

Ron howls with tears flowing uncontrollably.

Draco cries like he never has and curses himself. "Y/n..." 

Dumbledore: "She was a great addition to our numbers. Caring, loved by one and all, one who stood by her friends no matter what, and a display of true Gryffindor qualities. You are all dismissed to an early bedtime."

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