He's mine!

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Dray and I didn't speak again for well over a week. We were after all meant to stay away from each other and I was happy we were finally doing it. Mione says I look real sad. But I'm not the only one. Draco, the poor thing, I can't believe he has to be a Death Eater thanks to his Filthy father- Dray's so pale, and I often see him in the Great Hall, not eating. But I can't risk walking up to him, talking to him or anything of that sort since everyone except Mione thinks me and Dray are over.

"Just take off that necklace already! Aren't you guys over?" Harry scowled at dinner, pointing at the necklace Dray gave me, snapping me out of my train of thoughts.

Mione elbowed me and whispered, "You've been staring at Malfoy dreamily for like 5 whole minutes- Don't make it that obvious!"

I pretended to not have heard Mione and snapped at Harry, "I like that necklace. I'm not taking it off."

"It's not like you're dating him in secret is it?" Ron said. When did Ron start having a brain?

"W- no! And stop being so nosy!" I said, wishing I had a better comeback.

I had my meal in silence, still staring at the beautiful boy. The first thing I fell in love with was his 24 carat smile. I so need to see it again. I saw the beautiful ring on his finger - Wait, does that thing have my initials? It only makes sense..

I trudged back to my dorm, which was covered with well- pictures of this beautiful ferret. What's happening to me?

Hermione smacked me in the head with her Charms book. "Hide the pictures, the other girls are coming!"

Then they all chatted, but my mind was elsewhere.. I glared at Veronica all the time. She's tried to send letters to Dray recently. I know I tried to set her up then and have to admit it was a very stupid thing to do. She was pretty mad because he refused on going on a date with her.

We then left for Potions. After class, I saw two familiar faces- The beautiful blonde, with- the curly haired backstabbing ginger b!tch-

"We'd be good together, Don't you think?" She said, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Watch my heart burn.


Ever since me and Y/n have 'broke up', girls are hitting on me all the time. I've succeeded in throwing off Pansy, Daphne and Astoria, but Veronica Prewett - She is one clingy b!tch. She asks me to Hogsmeade time and again through letters, but today she tried to flirt with me in public.

"Hey handsome!" She said, looking at my lips. This girl disgusts me.

"Urm, Prewett?" I said half awkward, half wanting to break her nose.

"We'd be good together, don't you think?" She said, wrapping her arms around my neck. 

"Just- leave me alone!" I said, walking back and out of her 'embrace'.

"One date, and I'll leave you alone." She said, winking at me.

"You'll leave him alone anyway." 

I turned to see Y/n. She looks great with a messy ponytail. No- not great, irresistible.

"Why do you think I'll listen to you, Potter?" Prewett spat.

No. Please don't fight. Wait, is this how Y/n feels every time I get bloody jealous? But after I get jealous, I get poss-

"Don't listen to me. Watch me." Y/n smirked, as she grabbed my face in her hands and kissed me passionately. Her chapstick.. mm.... I kissed back passionately.

"That was- Ehm." I said, looking at her fondly.

Prewett let out a little, "Ew."

"Keep your hands off what's mine." Y/n said. I wrapped an arm around her waist.

Did- she just call me hers? Butterflies are overtaking my gut.

"Calm down love." I whispered in her ear, kissing her head.

"Why her, when you can have me?" Veronica said.

Y/n looked like she was going to pounce on Prewett.

"Aye aye aye What's the matter?" 

I saw someone put their hands on Y/n's shoulders. Scarhead Harry Potter. Here's a nosy brother for you.

"Well, she won't keep her hands off him! HE'S MINE!" Y/n yelled.

This girl.

"All yours love, Only yours." I said, as I wrapped my arms around her waist and gently pressed my lips against hers.

Veronica looked furious. 

But then I realized her brother- well saw us kiss. Everyone thinks we've broken up! 

I stared at Y/n in pure shock. She returned the look.

I looked around to see the last two people I would want to see at this point- Dumbledore and Snape.

Oh boy.

THE OPPOSITES (DRACO X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now