The Potion Partner

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Snape snatches the chit from Y/n.

"Mr. Malfoy will be working with Ms. Potter. Take your seats together." He said, gesturing more students to pick chits.

Y/n seats herself next to Malfoy.

"Let's just get over with this. What potion do you want to make?" Y/n asked, looking away.

"Veritaserum. I gather the materials, you can start on the essay." said Malfoy, dully.

"Alright." Y/n said, pulling out her new quill (the one she had been talking about with Dean and Seamus.)

"Attention, students. Devote today's class to planning. You all will work separately on the potion after classes. During classes, we shall focus on learning our material." Snape instructed, as almost all the chits had been taken.

"That's not fair!" Y/n groaned.

"Spoken like an idiot." Malfoy sneered, snatching a roll of parchment from you.

"Of course I spoke like an idiot. If I hadn't, would you have ever understood me?" Y/n said, picking up her things and leaving for Herbology.

Suddenly, she stopped to someone tapping her shoulder.

"What now, Malfoy?" Said Y/n, rolling  her eyes.

"Meet me in the great hall for the project " said Draco, "after dinner tonight."

"Make that half an hour after." Y/n said, leaving Malfoy cursing under his breath.


You enter the common room with Hermione.

"I can't believe this! Why must I work with that pathetic cockroach Malfoy?!?!" You scream, bursting into the common room.

"Woah, slow down!" Seamus yells as he nearly misses a spell you shot at him.

"Listen up, Y/n. Just be careful around Malfoy." said Harry, a concerned look on his face.

"You don't have to tell me twice."


"DID SOMEONE DIE!?" Yelled Hermione.

"WHO IS YOUR PARTNER?" Y/n said, fuming.

"Dean Thomas." Hermione said, simply.


"Woah, woah, calm down!!! It's going to be alright!" Said Hermione, comforting you with a hug.

"I'm so sorry, mione, I just- got mad."Y/n said, hugging Hermione and calming down.


Y/n goes to the Great Hall half an hour after dinner and sees Malfoy bullying a muggle-born first year.

"You have your entire life to be a jerk, Malfoy. Can't you just take a day off?" Y/n said, startling Malfoy.

"So you are finally here. We have a project to start, if you don't mind, mud-blood." Malfoy said, pushing the boy.

Y/n helped him up and said, "Start standing up to such idiots, kid. " 

She then gave the kid a high-five and wiped his tears away.

"CAN WE JUST LEAVE, POTTER?" Malfoy drawled.

"Ugh! Alright. So, first thing. Where are we going to meet everyday?"

"Follow me."

You reach the seventh floor.

"Room of Requirement?" Said Y/n.

"I'm shocked." Draco said.

"And why, may I ask?" Said Y/n.

"You just said something intelligent for the first time ever." He sneers.

"In order for you to insult me, I must first respect your opinion. Nice try, though." said Y/n, smirking.

"We meet in R.O.R, 7.30 p.m, everyday until our potion is done." Malfoy said, as though hastily changing a topic.

"You get the ingredients, I get all the books, parchments, quills and write all the essays. We do the brewing together. Starting tomorrow." Y/n says, walking away.

THE OPPOSITES (DRACO X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now