A.. friendship?

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"Ms. Potter! What on Earth do you think you are doing here?" McGonagall said, her face white with fury.

"Professor.. I- I came to get permission for the Advanced Potion Making book. I- I need it for the project." Y/n lied quickly.

"I am certain I heard another student in here, Potter." McGonagall said.

"Professor, it's only me. I accidentally dropped a Shrieking bat- but don't worry, It's under control now!" Y/n lied again.

"You are not supposed to be out of bed this late. Detention for you. My office 7 p.m."

Meanwhile, Draco thought to himself, "Did Y/n just lie to a teacher? She would never do something like that."

McGonagall left the office, her green robes sweeping behind her.

Draco sprung out of the corner.

Draco: "Why would you get into detention? You could have told McGonagall I was here!"

Y/n: "There is no way I was letting you get in trouble when You saved me from Filch."

You both start to walk out the office.

Draco: "You know what, you are not an arse like your brother."

Y/n: "Is that a compliment or an insult?"

Draco: "It's a compliment. But don't flatter yourself."

You both laugh.

Y/n: "And. You are not as evil as you think you are."

Draco: "I'll take that as a compliment."

You both laugh again.

Y/n: "That's Ms. Norris!"

You both run to the R.O.R. and quickly add the blood to your potion.

Draco: "I guess we can call it a day."

Y/n: "We must. But You are alone on the potion work tomorrow because I have detention."

Draco: "Yeah."

Y/n turns to leave, when Draco takes her wrist.

Draco: "So, I just wanted to say this. I think you're a pretty cool person."

Y/n (smiles slightly) : "Where is this coming from, huh?"

Draco (smiles) : "From my experiences with you."

a silence

Draco: "I was hoping, we could, you know.. be friends?"

Y/n: "I accept your friendship, Dray."

You both smile and embrace each other.

Draco: "Goodnight, then."

Y/n: "Goodnight."

Meanwhile :

Ron: "Bloody hell Harry, it is 9.30 p.m! Where the heck is Y/n?"

Hermione: "Must be working on the project with Malfoy."

Ron: "Overprotective brother in 3.....2.....1...."


Y/n bursts into the common room.

Hermione runs up to her and hugs her. 

Harry: "Where have you been?"

Y/n (grinning) : "Managing some mischief with a friend."

Harry: "Please don't tell me you were with-"

Y/n: "I was with Draco. Cool Guy. But I'm really tired, so I'm going to hit the pillow. Lates!"

Ron: "Bloody hell."

Hermione laughed, and Harry fumed.

THE OPPOSITES (DRACO X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now