Nostalgia and retrospect

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Y/n's  POV

Back at Hogwarts post Christmas holidays. People are getting hexed all the time. Take Katie Bell for example, poor thing. I know exactly who is behind all of this. Draco Lucius Malfoy. I sometimes can't believe that I, of all people , am in love with a death eater. Processing things, it's just-so hard!

I was going through my old things when I saw my songbook. 

Songs me and Draco would sing late into the night. Songs we'd written. Songs that would hold a special place in our hearts. I had introduced him to muggle music, guitars and microphones. He'd been living under a rock for ages. Some pages, we'd totally used them for absolute nonsense. Take this page (yes, we wrote this back in 5th year) ->

Okay, we're playing Draco says

Draco says stop calling the 'handsome guy almost every girl is head over heels for' a Ferret.

Y/n says, okay ferret. Can we play ferret says?

Draco refuses.

Y/n says, in that case, Ferret can go to those girls who are drooling over him. She herself, has many guys she can pick over him.

Draco says he is going to lose it.

Y/n says she'd like to see him go mad at her.

There was a squiggly line after this because I remembered way too well, He pushed me onto his bed, and before I knew it I felt a tongue roughly travelling around my throat- he is so easy to provoke!

My stream of thoughts was suddenly disrupted.

Ginny: "Me and Harry are going out tonight! For a candle lit dinner!"

Hermione: squeals

Y/n: "You wanna borrow a dress?"

Ginny: "Nah. I'm coming at your makeup."

Y/n: "Be my guest."

Ginny: "Andddd... Mione? Your black heels. I'd borrow from Y/n, but she only wears flats-"

Ginny head down in a teal dress, my makeup and black heels with Harry in a coat (He'd totally copied Draco's look. But I can't blame him. Who wouldn't want to look so cute and so irresistible!!) his arm out for her.

Harry: "We're leaving. Got anything to say? anyone?"

I shot my hand up.

"Couldn't you do any better?" I said.

"Hey! Don't say that. I LOVE HER!" Harry yelled.

"Oops. I was talking to Ginny. Why my arse of a brother, of all people?" I giggled, going back up to my dorm.

I had to continue Fred and George's work now that they'd left Hogwarts. At least on a smaller scale.

I sent Tonks a Hogwarts toilet and a sweater for Christmas. Hogwarts toilets, one of the few things the Weasley twins were never able to achieve. I gleefully mended the toilet that Myrtle had so very kindly broken, and sent it over in a beautiful gift box to Tonks.

I still can't believe she took it well. Prank Backfired.

Next Stop, My prank on Mrs. Weasley.

I'd sent her a boggart, which in simple retrospect, I never, ever should have.

But why was I so obsessed with pranks all of a sudden?

Maybe, I was trying to forget my real problem. More of a pain.

Having to stay away from Draco.

In the past 16 years, I've never felt this way for anyone but him. Not just that, but the crystal ball reading we'd done, to find soulmates - It was flashing in my head.

"Y/n! Y/n snap out of it!"

"Stop jolting me!" I yelled, glaring at Hermione.

I realized I'd been doodling hearts all over one of the many pictures of Draco's I had. I glanced at the necklace and sighed.

I ran up to the astronomy tower. The place I would always be able to clear my head.

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