"She used to be mine"

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An entire week passes, and Draco leaves flowers and chocolates by the bedside every single day.

Pomfrey: "It's 3 a.m! Get out! Out!"

Draco: "I'll leave. Just- a few minutes. Please."

An entire week passes, and Y/n finally opens her eyes to Ron and Hermione heatedly arguing.

Harry: "Y/n!"

Y/n: "Remember the nightmare I had last year? There's a golden basilisk, with golden fangs. I think It can control me from the scar."

Harry: "Dumbledore will know. He gives me lessons about Voldemort daily, so-" 

(p.s. guys this is the sixth year,  and ol' dumbly did rlly give those lessons)

Y/n: "Just us 3 will know. For now."

Hermione: "And why- would you poison yourself?"

Y/n: "Oh, that was the mind control. I'm spending today at the library - to learn occlumency."

Just then, golden sparks leave y/n's hands and Harry and Y/n speak in parseltongue. The air feels colder.

Ron: "Bloody hell Y/n!"

Y/n: "Harry. Tell Dumblydora. Everything you saw. This concerns you too."

Hermione: "Don't call Dumbledore that!"

Y/n: "He greeted students by saying Nitwit! Blubber! in the first year. What the hell do you expect?"

Harry: "He is a great wizard, you know."

Ron: "Why are we having this conversation again?"

Pomfrey: "She'll join you at dinner. I still have to run some checks."

The trio leaves. Y/n sees her bedside table-

Y/n: "All these flowers? And chocolates?  For me?"

Pomfrey: "There was this blonde kid I could not get out! He was always crying, and he stayed even after midnight. Nightmare, that one."

Y/n: "Oh god."

Y/n sees her favorite flowers and chocolates. Only Draco would know her that well.

time cut to dinner

Y/n enters the Great hall for dinner. Theodore Nott had decided to take you on your first proper date. You eavesdrop onto a conversation: 

Theo: "I'm taking Y/n on a date. I think I should get her a gift."

Blaise: "Flowers, girls love flowers!"

Draco: "Y/n loves white roses. Get her those."

Theo: "No, not flowers. Earrings?"

Draco: "Don't get her the dangly long sort. She likes little, intricate ones. "

Blaise: "This is ridiculous man, just get her a book."

Theo: "Shoes! Heels!"

Draco: "She wears flat shoes. She's not the heels person. Get her something flat and sleek."

Theo: "How the fvck do you know all this man? What are you, a stalker??"

Draco: "She's not.. but she used to be mine.."

Draco looks downcast, face pale and Y/n is in total shock with this whole conversation. 

Blaise stifles a laugh.

Draco: "Amused, Blaise?"

Blaise laughs slightly, and Draco storms out, and away.

Y/n runs after him.

She finds him crying in the prefects toilet.


Y/n: "Draco."

Draco turns around.

Draco (shocked, almost scared.)

He gets his wand ready, although his face is covered with tears, he brings up his meanest voice.

Draco: "Leave, or I will not hesitate to crucio you."

Y/n: "You can crucio me, I don't care. All I have to say is- There's better times ahead, Dray. And if you think I wouldn't want you because of that, You're wrong! There's no one I'd rather be with!"


Y/n: "Don't hesitate to send me an owl if you want to talk."

Y/n hugs Draco tightly, lets go, and leaves the prefects toilet to return to the Great Hall

Draco: "Y/N WAIT!"

Y/n runs back up to Draco.

Draco: "I'm very sorry."

Y/n: "I know you're trying to make me hate you. You're not succeeding."

Draco smiles a little.

Draco: "My father veritaserumed me at dinner one night and found out we both were dating. He's why I'm doing all this."

Y/n: "If it makes you feel any better, me and Blaise wrote a song about you.'

Draco: "Let me hear it!"

Y/n starts singing-

(clap, clap)

Death eater, ferret boy,

Born in 1980,

Draco, Draco Malfoy!

(clap, clap)

Born in 1980,


Draco: "I hate you!"

Y/n: "Wait- there's more."

y/n: "come on Draco, you can do it!

Pave the way, put your back into it!

Tell us why, show us how,

Look at where you came from 

Look at you now!

Potter, Granger and Weaselbee-

Amatuers can f****** s*** it"

Draco: "wait, you do realise you are a Potter too."

Y/n: "Jokes on you, dimwit!"

Draco: "Just shut the fvck up and let me kiss you."

Y/n smiles as Draco grabs her waist tightly and kisses her passionately.

Snape: "Draco. Come with me."

Draco: "p-professor?"

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