Overprotective Brother

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Draco and Y/n turn, Draco's hands still wrapped around Y/n.

They see Harry shaking with fury, his face red.

Draco: "Fancy seeing you here, Potter."

y/n: "H- Harry.."

Harry: "I saw everything."

Y/n (whispering): "My brother is going to kill me."

Draco (whispering) : "I won't let him."

Harry: "Remember one thing Malfoy. That's my sister. Dare to break her heart, and I'll break your face."

Draco: "If I break her heart, don't hesitate in tearing me apart from limb to limb."

Harry: "Let's go Y/n."

Y/n wordlessly follows Harry to the Seventh Floor.

y/n: "How did you find me?"

Harry: "I thought you had brains."

Y/n is in deep thought for a few seconds and then exclaims, "Marauder's Map!"

Harry: "Draco is a Malfoy after all, Y/n. He could have plans. Dark Plans. I don't want to see you around him."

Y/n: "We are 14, Harry. FOURTEEN!"

Harry: "Y/n, He's Back! Voldemort's back! Making you fall for Draco and luring us in sounds like something Voldemort would do!"

Y/n: "Harry, what if I can prove to you whatever Draco's real intentions are? What if I can prove that this has nothing  to do with Voldemort?"

Harry: "Are you thinking of what I'm thinking?"

You both grin.

Y/n: "Tomorrow. Breakfast."

You and Harry smile at each other and go back to the common room.

In the common room-

Y/n : "Oh my god, oh my god oh my god!!!"

Hermione: "Sup?"

Y/n: "Mione, Ginny, my dorm. Now."

In Y/n's dorm-

Y/n: *Tells Hermione and Ginny everything that happened between her and Draco.*

Hermione: "I'm so happy for you!:

Ginny: "So are you guys dating now?"

Y/n: "I.. don't know. Harry never gave me a chance to speak to him properly."

Hermione: "You know what, Y/n, your brother better be useful for something."

Hermione winks at Y/n.

Y/n puts on Harry's invisibility cloak (which she kindly borrowed using Accio, the summoning charm.)

Y/n makes her way to the dungeons under the invisibility cloak.

She taps Draco's shoulder from under the cloak.

Draco: "I know you are  in here Peeves!"

Y/n takes off the cloak.

Y/n: "You sure about that?"

Y/n laughs at a bewildered Draco.

Draco: "Y/n, it's real late. You don't want to get caught!"

Y/n: "I don't. Which is why I have the invisibility cloak."

Draco: "Alright, What's up?"

Y/n: "I have this stupid question.."

Draco: "What?"

Y/n: "Where are we now?"

Draco: "Seventh floor."

Y/n: "No need for sarcasm, I know we are in the dungeons."

Draco: "?"

Y/n: "I meant, where are we in.. our.. relation?"

Draco: "I'd want you to be my girlfriend. If you want to, that is."

Y/n: "Of course I want to!"

Draco: "But there are conditions."

Y/n: "What?"

Draco: "You can't go out with others. You're all mine."

Y/n (rolls her eyes)

Draco: "I'll take that as a yes. But it's getting late and you need to get back."

Y/n: "Yeah, G'night!"

Draco: "Wait up! You're not going anywhere without a goodnight kiss!"

He takes your face in his hands and kisses your forehead. You smile and leave.

Back in the common room, after telling Mione all that had happened, you casually return the invisibility cloak.

THE OPPOSITES (DRACO X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now