19 Years Later

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A/n:" This is finally over, and if you guys want one, I'll release an epilogue."

Follow me on instagram:bookaholicsimp 


Kayla led me to the Chamber of Secrets.

"Albus said you need to use wandless magic and parseltongue to awaken the Golden Basilisk." She said, engrossed in deep thought.

"Albus?" I scrunched my nose.

"As in my Grand-pop Albus Dumbledore." She said wearing a look that Was hard to decipher.

"That explains how you got the permission to party -"

" Focus Y/n! we're in the midst of a battle."

"Alright. How do I find this snaky psycho?"

"Close your eyes, And say You know who's name in parseltongue. Once you feel sparks on your palm, the basilisk with golden fangs will take form and end the noseless bitch."

And I followed her instructions to the word.

Only to collapse onto the floor after a monstrous basilisk erupted from Golden sparks.


"We won!"

"Voldy Moldy no nosey is dead ! Open your eyes, Y/N!"

I saw Google Granger, Ronald Mcdonald, Pottyboy, Swagrid and Regina George shaking me up furiously.



"Dad! Where's my quill set?!" Scorpius' voice echoed through the Malfoy Manor.

"Go ask your Mum, Scorps!"


"It's right infront of you sweetie!" I called out, packing Casy's new robes into her trunk.

" Thanks Mom!"

Casey, short for my 14 year old  daughter's name Cassiopeia, was running around in despair. Her sign being Cancer.

"I can't find My promise ring! Mike's gonna hate this!" She wailed.

"Ask your boyfriend to buy you a new one!" Draco's voice called.

A while later, Casy's and Scorp's trunks were ready and they ran out to the door of the Manor.

"We don't spend time together, love. Why so distant?" 

Draco's arms wrapped around my back and he kissed my neck, making me squirm.

" I've been busy setting up the kids for Hogwarts."

"I can see that."

" I've been busy at work."

" I know. That doesn't allow you to Stay away from me."

He spun me around and lifted my chin, getting me to stare into his beautiful eyes, gleaming with love. I closed the gap between us but had to pull away remembering the kids need to go to kings cross.


At the station, Gin told me Kayla ended up with cole. Mione joined the discussion. I overheard Casy and her boyfriend arguing, and, like a nosy mother, eavesdropped.

"Mike, look..."

"Do you not love me?"

"I do!"

"Then why would you take off my ring?" Mike yelled.

I walked upto them. The 14 year old bowed, giving me a major first.

"Mike Brewer, Mrs. Malfoy!"

" Please, call me Y/n. Cass keeps talking about you. She says  you're charming and cute and - "


I laughed.


I stood there, waving my kids, and their cousins off to Hogwarts.

"Y/n Potter!" A cheery voice called. Kayla.

" Kayla Goldstein ! It's Y/n Malfoy now." I smiled.

" It's Kayla Foster!" She Sang.

"I never expected you and Draco, of all people, to end up together." Cole foster suddenly said. 

"You were always such the... Opposites."


THE OPPOSITES (DRACO X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now