Hair Curler

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Dumbledore: "Y/n I believe you have the great gift of wandless magic."

Y/n: "I- I do?"

Dumbledore: "You do. I shall have professor snape help you with the same. He knows more about it than I ever will."

Y/n: "Y- yes Professor."

You and Harry leave Dumble's office.

Harry: "I hope Snape isn't horrible to you.."

Y/n: "I- get this funny feeling.."

Harry: "What?"

Y/n: "I think Snape, he's a, death eater."

Harry sighs deeply.


Herbology with the slytherins.

"Sprout? Looks more like a bubble to me." Draco sneered, clearing up his work desk.

"Shut up Malfoy." Hermione growled, as Harry and Ron left the Greenhouse.

Hermione left too, she took your arm, dragging you out, when you felt a cold hand on your other arm.

"I'll- leave." Hermione said awkwardly, running up to Ron and Harry.

"What do you want blondie?" I asked, messing up his hair.


"Urgh, it looked better in year 3 and 4." I drawled.

"Whom were you with last night?" He glared, shooting daggers at me.

"Hermione. And oh- Kayla. And- Harry." I said, confused.

"CARE TO EXPLAIN THIS?" He yelled, pressing his thumb on my neck.


I looked down to see a little red mark.

"That's Mione's hair curler. I tried it today morning but erm- I sort of burned myself with it." I said. Gee, it must have looked like a (you know what.)

"DON'T LIE TO ME!" He fumed. I could swear his pale face was going red.

"I'm not." I said, messing his hair even more.

"Listen. Let's do this the easy way. If you don't tell me who that motherfck3r was in the next 3 seconds-"He seethed, jealousy coating his words.

"Jealous of a hair curler are you?" I smirked, and tried to walk away.

He grabbed my throat, pushed me to a wall, and roughly kissed me. I could smell the apple. He'd had too much. I could feel his tongue in my throat. After what seemed like forever he let go.

"Remember. I. own. you." He fumed, breathing heavily. He let go of my neck. I walked away, flustered, upto my friends. I saw Ron and Mione, who were arguing like an old married couple and put an arm around Harry's shoulder.

Ron: "Bloody hell! Your neck!"

Hermione giggled, "That's just my hair curler. She burned herself."

Harry and Ron were convinced, and we sat in the Great hall for lunch.

Seamus: "Your neck!"

Dean: "Forgotten Ferret that quick?"

Cormac: "You're such a sl_t, Potter. Total Wh0re." 

He happened to have said this very, very loudly.

"Oh sh!t." I thought to myself.

Harry rose, hands quivering. Ron, Mione and me held him back. 

I turned to see Draco standing, him being held back by Theodore, Blaise, Goyle and Crabbe.

"SAY THAT AGAIN, I DARE YOU YOU MOTHERFCKER!" He screamed. His face red, his eyes bloodshot.

Mione was red with rage. She turned to walk away. But then, out of nowhere, she formed a fist, turned around and punched Cormac in the nose.

"Isn't he your boyfriend?" I asked.

"Was my boyfriend. We're over, bitch." She said.

"Listen up Mclaggen, if you mess with me, you're messing with all of these people." I smirked, pointing all around the Great Hall.

 Hermione grabbed my shoulders and began walking me back to our dorm.

"Draco really got pissed off in there." I muttered.

"He- loves you a lot. Like way too much." Mione smiled.

"And- why'd you punch Cormac? " I asked.

"He asked for it." She said, seething.

"But- I'm sorry you guys broke up 'cause of me."  I said, looking away.

"I should've ended things with him long ago. But my only trouble is Slughorn's party. I don't have anyone to go with." She said, uncertainly.

"We can go together! I'm invited and I don't have anyone too!" I smiled. 

"Sounds like a plan." She said, grinning as we held hands, giggled, and ran to the dorms with newfound happiness.

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