Brew-Foster Dating Co.

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Y/n looks up to see Jack and Cole.

Jack: "That b!tch will be so sorry."

Cole: "Oh yeah! We are so gonna set you up with the coolest guys!"

Y/n gets up, wipes away her tears, and embraces them.

Y/n: "While I appreciate that, I- I need time."

Jack: "Let's run back to the common room."

Back in->

Hermione: "What did your little boyfriend want to talk about?"

Y/n: "He broke up with me."

Ron: "You're - kidding?"

Y/n: "I'm not his sort. He was really- cold. Strange."

Harry: "My theory makes sense!"

Y/n: "I hate to say this, but I support Harry's point."

Harry: "Also, you deserve better than that Ferret. "

Jack: "Which is why we will set you up!"

Hermione: "The best way to move on, and forget, is to see someone new.

Y/n absorbs Mione's 'wisdom'.

Y/n: "Okay. Goodnight."

Y/n cries herself to sleep.


Jack and Cole: "BREW AND FOSTER DATING CO. !!!!"

Y/n laughs her head off.

Jack: "You've got a match. He'll be here in 3..2..1.."

Cole: "Pa, pa, paaaa!"

They present Theodore Nott.

Y/n: "You?"

Theo: "You?"

Cole: "Just, stick around in classes and all."

Theo smiles.

Theo: "Wanna take a walk around the castle? Before class?"

Y/n: "Let's go."

Theo and you talk for a long time.

Y/n : "But no way am I riding a school broom!"

Theo: "Definitely no. They pretty much kill the rider."

Y/n: "We are ten minutes late for potions."

Theo: "Oh sh!t."

You run into the class. luckily, Slughorn hasn't arrived. 

Draco's POV

Y/n entered the class late with Theo. What in the world were they doing? Look at them, laughing together. I'm so bloody jealous. Wait till I get my hands on Nott.


Y/n and Theo were idling on their broomsticks.

Theo: "Let's head back, Y/n."

Y/n: "Alright."

Theo sees Draco with Pansy.

Theo: "He's your ex, right?"

Y/n: "Yeah."

Theo: "Can't believe he left you for garbage."

Y/n: "Never mind."

Theo: "Let's get you revenge."

Y/n: "I'll play along."

Theo smiles and holds your hand, leading you to a spot closer to Draco and Pansy.

Theo: "You're one of a kind, love."

Y/n blushes against her will as Theo gently presses his lips against hers.

Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Draco looking like he could explode. He runs off, leaving Pansy be.

Y/n: "Draco - didn't look alright. I need to check on him."

Theo: "That's just the shocking realization of what he's lost. No need to check on him."

An entire two weeks passes. Theo tries to make Draco jealous, and it works. But you get horrible deja vu. When you go to Hogsmeade, you remember all the times you and Draco had dates. The second floor haunts you with memories of your first kiss.

One night ->

Hermione: "Where you goin'?"

Y/n: "A walk."

Y/n goes up to Astronomy tower, and sees a familiar person, crying, sobbing in pain.

"I need you Y/n.. I need you so much.."

Y/n steps closer.

Draco turns around


THE OPPOSITES (DRACO X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now