A bit of a crush

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"And that, is how me and Draco are finally friends." Y/n said, retelling the Trio everything that had happened last night.

Hermione seemed alright, but Harry and Ron had doubts of their own.

"Do you all remember how much you guys disliked Mione before? And now, we all are best friends!" Y/n suggested.

This seemed to ease Ron, but Harry still wouldn't give up his petty grudge for Malfoy.

Your Veritaserum ends up winning you 10 points for both of your houses.

Y/n: "Ten Points! How much of a miser can he be?"

Draco: "You should be glad he gave any points to Gryffindor at all!"

As time passes, you and Draco meet up for Gobstones, go to Hogsmeade together, study together and play idle games of Quidditch. You talk for long hours, and help him be a bit less of a brute. You both undoubtedly understand each other and share a similar sense of humor. You both find a common interest - music. You even have a shared songbook where you come up with songs.

All this is a lot of fun.. except when you can't help notice... Draco is quite.. beautiful.

This being the fourth year, the Triwizard tournament has you, Harry's sister, worried about Harry.

You and Hermione spend time finding helpful resources for Harry in the library.


Draco: "Potter, Potter! Have you seen Y/n anywhere?

Harry: "I was about to ask you!"

Draco: "I do hope she's alright.."


Harry has rescued Y/n. 

Harry and Y/n hug each other, and so do many people run up to Harry and Hug him.

Someone embraces Y/n into a bone crushing hug.

Draco: "I've been worried sick! How do you feel?"

Y/n: "Just a little bit cold.."

Draco takes of his sweater and puts it on Y/n.

Draco: "Feel any better?"

Y/n: "Loads."

Draco takes Y/n's face in his hands and kisses her on the forehead.

Y/n blushes against her will.

Y/n and Draco smile at each other and head back into the castle.

Harry: "Y/n, are you dating Malfoy?"

Y/n: "I- W-What? NO!"

Harry: "Stay the hell away from him. I don't quite like the way he acts when you are around."

Y/n: "Honestly Harry!"

Hermione: "Harry's not wrong, you know. He did kiss your forehead!"

Harry (processing)


Hermione: "Run as fast as you can Y/n."

Y/n and Hermione laughingly run into the girls dorms.

Harry of course, cannot enter the girls dorm!

Back in the girls dorm-

Parvati: "Let's play Truth or Dare."

Y/n: "I'm not playing.."

Hermione: "Scared are you?"

Y/n: "W- what no! Count me in."

As the game proceeds -

Romilda: "Y/n, Truth or Dare?"

Y/n: "Dare."

Romilda: "Scared of truth, are you?"

Y/n: "Fine. Truth."

Romilda: "Who is your crush?"

The girls begin jeering.

Y/n: "Please, please don't tell anyone, but I think I- I like- Draco."

Everyone gasps, and Hermione laughs.

Y/n: "Mione?"

Hermione: "Y/n and Malfoy sitting in a tree!"

Y/n : "UGH!"

Romilda and Parvati: "K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

Y/n: "I hate you guys."

Everybody laughs.


Draco: "Heard of the yule ball?"

Y/n: "Yeah, what about it?"

Draco: "Do you have a date? To the ball?"

Y/n: "Not yet. What about you?"

Draco: "Me neither. But I do have someone in mind."

Y/n: "Who?"

Draco: "She's called Y/n Potter, I'm not sure if you know of her."

Y/n: "W-what?"

Draco: "Do you think Y/n will want to go to the ball with me?"

Y/n: "She would love to."

Y/n and Draco laugh and walk to the next class.

THE OPPOSITES (DRACO X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now