Turning 15

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You meet Sirius, Lupin, Moody, and the entire order of the Phoenix at the Black's place.

You and Harry being twins, have your birthday's on the same day (obvious, I'm just pointing it out.)

Harry: "Happy Birthday, Y/n!"

Y/n: "Happy Birthday, Harry!"

Harry shows you all the gifts he's received

Y/n: "Hermione gave me this book: "Charms for young witches". It's charms that help you tie your hair and what not? Ron got me these chocolates, and Draco sent me this beautiful necklace. It's made of real platinum! It's got our names engraved in it, look!"

Harry: "My, must have cost him a fortune!"

Y/n: "For sure!"

Sirius: "Do you mean Draco Malfoy?"

Y/n: "Why, yes!"

Lupin: "Why would Malfoy send you such a gift? When I was your teacher in year 3, you both were always fighting, enemies!"

Fred (sniggering) : "They both are snogging, you know."

Y/n smacks Fred with the Charms for young witches book.

Sirius: "Y/n, this can't be true."

Y/n: "I- I'm afraid it is, Sirius."

Sirius: "You should know better. He's a Malfoy, he's on Voldemort's side!"

Harry: "I had the same doubts, Sirius. We veritaserumed him. Y/n, I veritaserumed him one more time and I know he is nothing like his family."

Y/n: "You gave him truth serum again!?!?"

Lupin: "Alright. Be very careful Y/n. I know at times people are different from their families. Just like Sirius, for example."

Sirius: "And as your godfather, I totally agree with Remus."

Harry: "Y/n, I got you a birthday present."

Y/n: "I got you something, too."

Y/n hands Harry a perfume.

Harry: "Cologne?"

Y/n: "Smell it!"

Harry: "Gosh, treacle tart! Wherever did you find this?"

Y/n: "Zonkos. But don't worry, it's safe. It smells like your favorite scent. For me, I smell (your favorite scent.) So when you wear this, everyone will like it!"

Harry: "Thank you so much! Now, open your present!"

Y/n opens the wrapping to find a photo album with pictures of Harry and Y/n.

Y/n hugs Harry tightly.

The weasley twins gift Y/n and Harry Zonko's goodies, mostly dungbombs. Y/n and Harry ecstatically collect all the presents they get from the order.


You, Harry, Ron and Hermione get on the Hogwarts train with the Weasley twins.

Y/n: "Gawwddd! I love this train!"

Harry: "I love the trolley."

Ron: "More like, Harry loves the trolley lady."

You chat, have fun and use the extendable ears on random people with the twins. Just then, someone kisses your neck.

Y/n: "What the hell do you think you are doing?!"

Draco: "You may want to turn around."

Y/n: "Dray!"

Draco: "I see you're wearing the necklace."

Y/n: "Yeah, I loved it."

Draco hugs you and kisses your cheek. You peck Draco's nose.

Hermione: "Get a room you two!"

Everyone laughs.

Draco: "I think you should meet all my friends."

Y/n: "Sure, let's go!"

Draco leads you to his friends' seats.

Draco : "You know Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle, right?"

Y/n: "Yeah."

Draco: "I guess I'll introduce the girls to you. Guys, this is my girlfriend."

 (points at them individually) : "Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, Astoria Greengrass."

Y/n: "Nice to meet you! I'm Y/n Potter."

Pansy: "Draco keeps talking about you all the time."

Daphne: "I have a better name for you Potter. Boyfriend Snatcher."

THE OPPOSITES (DRACO X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now