The mystery

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Back in the Gryffindor common room, everyone is crying their eyes out.

Dean: "I- had to return her Hippogriff quill!"

Everyone continues to cry until late into the night. Y/n was very dear to them after all.

Draco, on the other hand is crying in the Prefect's toilet.

Draco: "Fvck me! Fvck me! Y/n... you were all my took me out, out of my darkness..I love you..." (cries)

?: "Draco.."

Draco: "P-professor?"

Snape: "Mr. Malfoy. Come with me."

Draco : "Y- yes, Professor."

Back in the common room -

Hermione: "She said she had something to say about Umbridge."

Ron: "You know, she seemed very strange after the detention."

Harry: "That's it!"

Everyone looks at Harry.

Harry: "Get Malfoy."

The trio steps out of the common room, invisibility cloak covering them.

Hermione: "Where the hell do we find Malfoy?"

Harry: "Marauder's map."

Hermione: "How could I-"

Ron: "Shut up."

Harry: "Malfoy is following Snape."

The trio finds Malfoy, his face tear stained, following Snape, and the trio follows him into Snape's office.

Snape: "From what I heard Draco, it seems like you were in love with Y/n Potter-"

Draco: "Please, do not tell my parents. Please."

Snape: "Losing the girl you love must not be easy on you. I lost the girl I loved to the Dark Lord, while you lost Y/n to Umbridge."

Draco: "U-umbridge?"

Snape: "It is not within my power to let you know what all has happened. But you can figure it out."

Draco: "Professor." (tears rolling down)

Snape: "Calm down, Draco. Not a word to your parents, I promise. Now, the detention she served last week resulted in terrible hand burns, and nightmares. She was found near the forbidden forest."

Draco: "B-burnt h-hands?"

Snape: "Yes Draco. You can take the help of Potter and his little friends. Take care."

Draco: "Thank you, professor."

Draco leaves Snape's office, crying. The trio follows Draco.

Draco enters the Slytherin Common room. The trio enters, under the cloak.

Draco seats himself on the sofa, crying, face in his hands.

Daphne: "Drakey, you have me you know!"

Draco: "Back the fvck off B!tch."

Blaise: "I'm sorry for you man. Losing someone you love, i- its hard on you,  man."

Draco: "..."

Blaise: "But that being said, move on as soon as possible."

Pansy: "He's not wrong you know."

Astoria: "I agree."

Draco: "I spoke to professor Snape, and we might still be able to revive her."

Astoria: "I don't get it."

Draco: "What?"

Astoria: "She's just another girl Malfoy. You can easily find another. You really don't have to fuss over her."

Daphne: "I- I mean, she's not that beautiful."

Pansy: "You can easily  find someone better."

Draco(shouts): " I'm in love with her, okay? If you're looking for the word, that means caring for someone beyond all rationality and wanting them to have everything they want no matter how much it destroys you, its love! And when you love someone you just, don't stop. Ever. Even when people roll their eyes or call you crazy. Even then. Especially then. You just- you don't give up because if I could give up... If I could just, you know, take the whole world's advice and- and move on and find someone else, that wouldn't be love. That would be... That would be some other disposable thing that is not worth fighting for. But that is not what this is."

The entire slytherin common room is staring at a devastated Draco.

Draco: "Of course, her friends and brother must be feeling the same way. If you don't mind, I need to visit Harry. He is the only one who would understand me."

Draco storms out of the slytherin common room, and the trio follow him, still under the cloak.

THE OPPOSITES (DRACO X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now