Daphne. Greengrass.

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Draco: "Y/n, about Hogsmeade tomorrow, I'm sorry, but I can't go with you."

Y/n: "O- Alright. Why?"

Draco: "Can't say."

Y/n: "Okay. I have class now, you?"

Draco: "Free period for the Slytherins!"

Y/n: "Cool. See ya!"

Draco leaves and Y/n decides to follow in secret.

Draco: "Daphne, right? Daphne Greengrass?"

Daphne: "Yes. Malfoy, right?"

Draco: "I was hoping you would- maybe want to go on a Date with me tomorrow, at Hogsmeade."

Y/n felt her heart sink like a stone.

Daphne: "I would love to!"

Draco: "I'll pick you up in the Slytherin common room tomorrow."

Daphne: "Sure! But I have to meet a friend now. Bye!"

Draco waves at Daphne as she leaves.

Y/n rushes in the opposite direction, her eyes welling with tears.

Y/n (to herself) : How could I be so stupid? Someone like him  would never like someone like me."

She bumps into Hermione on the way.

Y/n: "S- sorry."

Hermione: "It's fine Y/n. Wait, are you.. crying?"

Y/n: "It's just nothing."

Y/n runs away and locks herself in her dorm. She misses the classes for the entire day.

They even had DADA with the Slytherins.

Draco: "Granger! Granger!"

Hermione: "What do you want?"

Draco: "Where is Y/n?"

Hermione: "She seemed pretty upset when I saw her, an hour ago. I think she might be crying."

Draco: "An hour ago?"

Hermione: "Yes. Don't worry, I will check on her after class."

Draco leaves the class thinking, "Could this be because I cancelled our plans to Hogsmeade? Fvck me!"

Meanwhile -

Hermione: "Alohomora!"

Hermione bursts into Y/n's dorm.

Y/n: "J-just leave me alone."

Hermione: "Y/n, please, something is bothering you and it's bothering me."

Y/n: "Please, swear you won't tell anyone."

Hermione: "I think this is about Malfoy."

Y/n: "Did he say anything to you?"

Hermione: "In DADA He asked me where you were. I told him I saw you pretty upset an hour ago."

Y/n: "Oh no."

Hermione: "He left the class almost crying."

Y/n: "This just keeps getting worse and worse."

Hermione: "Tell me what happened."

Y/n: "Draco's taking Daphne on a date tomorrow."

Hermione: "Oh god. I know just what to do. You need to get your mind off him. Y/n, should I set you up with someone?"

Y/n: "Whom do you have in mind?"

Hermione: "Cormac McLaggen."

Y/n: "You think you can set me up?"

Hermione: "I don't think so, I know so. But after the tournament is over."

Y/n: "Thanks mione!"

There are still 4 days left to the tournament.

Y/n does not go to Hogsmeade the next day.

Three days left to the tournament, and Y/n showed up in class.

Draco: "Y/n, come sit with me!"

Y/n ignored him and sat beside Harry.

Three days went by, Y/n would not speak to or even look at Draco. This certainly had some effect, because Draco wouldn't eat and wasn't his usual happy self.

But once at dinner, they both made eye contact. Draco's eyes flooded with tears and he left for his dorm. 

Hermione: "Y/n, You really need to speak to Malfoy. He looks different. Doesn't eat, doesn't laugh or smile. I think he's upset because of you not speaking to him."

Ron: "What's up with you two? Malfoy and you?"

Harry: "I'm glad you ended that friendship with him."

Y/n: "Shut up before I fvcking end you."

They had dinner in silence.

THE OPPOSITES (DRACO X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now