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You and Draco are idly strolling in the courtyard few days before the final task.

Draco: "Why so tense, Potter?"

y/n: "I can't decide who would win in a battle between a headless Nundu or a swooping evil without venom or spines."

Draco: "The Nundu of course! The Swooping Evil doesn't stand a chance!"

Someone walks up to you from the bridge.

Cedric: "Y/n Potter right?"

Y/n: "Yes, And you must be Diggory, Cedric Diggory."

Cedric: "Uhm.. Are you and Malfoy, you know, dating?"

Y/n looks at Draco quickly. Draco is looking away.

Y/n: "No, we're just friends. Why asking?"

Cedric: "So, would you like to go out on a date with me sometime?"

You look at Draco, who is looking at his feet and gulping.

Y/n: "Ehm.."

Sensing the awkward tension in you three, Harry rushes up to you.

Harry: "Y/n, I need your help with my astronomy homework."

Y/n: "Erm sure. Dray, Cedric, I'll catch up with you guys later."

You leave with Harry.

Y/n: "You saved me in there, thanks!"

Harry: "That's what being siblings is all about, isn't it?"

Y/n hugs Harry,

Harry: "Now, tell me, what the hell happened over there?"

Y/n: " It certainly got awkward because Cedric asked if me and Malfoy were dating, and then he asked me out on a Date."

Harry: "You should have just said yes!"

Y/n: "I like someone else Harry."

Harry: "Who is it?"

Y/n: "Honestly Harry! Now you want to know about this sort of thing too!"

Harry: "Fine, now, help me with my star chart."

Y/n: "How will you learn?!"

Harry: "Jeez, you sound like Mione!"

Y/n hands her star chart to Harry

Y/n: "Just copy this, will you?"

Harry laughs as Y/n leaves to find Draco.

Y/n: "There you are Dray!"

Draco smiles as you walk over to him.

Y/n: "And when are you going to introduce me  to your girlfriend?"

Draco gets slightly shy.

Draco: "My g-girlfriend?"

Y/n: "I mean Parkinson."


Y/n: "Sheesh calm down! I heard rumors, ya know."

Draco: "Pansy is the one spreading them then."

Y/n: (not sure how to respond)

Draco: "Speaking of which, I was hoping you could give me some advice.."

Y/n: "Sure."

Draco: "I like this girl, but I'm not sure if she likes me too."

Y/n: "Oooh! Who is she?"

Draco: "I can't say."

Y/n: "Alright. Just ask her friends, ya know. Ask them what her type is."

Draco: "But what if they tell her I asked?"

Y/n: "Just deny it, if she confronts you about it."

Draco: "Thanks!"

Y/n: "Anytime. But for now, we need to head to charms."

THE OPPOSITES (DRACO X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now