Boyfriend Snatcher?

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Y/n: "I'm- sorry?"

Daphne: "You should be, boyfriend snatcher."

Y/n: "I- I mean, what did I do?"

Draco: "Don't talk to Y/n like that Daph-"

Daphne: "Listen up B!tch. You stole my boyfriend, my Draco from me. It's not good to steal, you know. But I will forgive you if you stayed the fvck away."

Y/n: "Mind your language. And besides-"

Daphne: "I know You have him under a love potion."

Y/n: "W-what, no!"

Draco: "Daphne, shut the fvck up."

Daphne(winks): "Draco, aren't you going to tell Y/n we had fun this summer?"

Daphne (looking at Y/n): "Awwwww, I think I see a tear!"

Y/n: "Bravo, Malfoy. I hope you have a good life."

Y/n takes of the necklace and hands it to Draco, tears flowing uncontrollably.

Draco (Crying) : "Y/n, please, let me explain-"

Y/n: "Everyone was right. You, Malfoy, are a MONSTER FROM HELL!"

Y/n runs off, crying.

Y/n gets back to where her friends are, controlling her tears.

Hermione: "Y/n, where's the necklace?"

Y/n: "I- um- lost it."

Y/n looks out the window.

Hermione: "Y/n. Talk to me."

Harry, Ron, Mione, and the Weasley twins stare at Y/n.

Y/n: "Please don't freak out. He - he cheated."

Y/n cannot control her tears as they run down her face.

Y/n: "You were right. He's cold and pathetic like the rest of his family."

Ron, Fred and George all need to stop Harry from beating Malfoy.

Harry: "That son of a gvn!"

Ron: "Calm down mate!"


Y/n: "It's okay."

Everyone stares at Y/n

Y/n: "It's okay. It taught me a lot of lessons. It's totally worth it."

Hermione(eyes wet): "You're a great person Y/n."

Ron(smiling weakly): "Only you could find something good about something like this."

Y/n smiles.

Y/n: "At least I have you, Harry."

Harry hugs Y/n.

A tear rolls down Hermione's cheek.


You have started year 5, avoiding any eye contact and interaction with Malfoy. He tries his best to speak to you, but in vain. Three days later-

Hermione: "Malfoy, he looks so pale. Never eats, never laughs."

Y/n: "Good for him. And yes Corner, I will go out with you." (referring Michael Corner, Ravenclaw.)

Hermione pats your back encouragingly.

Y/n: "I have the world's greatest friends."

Draco: "Y/n. Can- can we talk?"

Y/n: "Excuse me, guys."

Hermione pulls your sleeve and whispers in your ear, "You are actually speaking to him?"

Y/n replies: "I think I can spare him a friendship."

Draco: "Can- can we go to somewhere more private?"

Y/n: "Alright."

at astronomy tower

Y/n: "Draco, all good?"

Draco (crying) : "No Y/n, all bad. My life- it's- just falling apart."

Y/n: "Oh my...It's going to be alright." (pats him on the back)

Draco: "Y/n. I want to talk about what happened on the train."

Y/n: "I guess you do deserve a chance to explain yourself."

Draco: "Thanks......Daphne, she lied."

a silence

Draco: "That date I took her to- all it was was Butterbeer at three broomsticks. At the end of the Date, I told her it was a dare, and that I loved someone else, you. But she got attached to me and just tried to break us apart. Looks like it worked."

Y/n: "I- How should I trust you?"

Draco: "You can veritaserum me. You can call that b!tch Daphne up here and Veritaserum her."

Y/n: "I trust you."

Draco: "Y- you do?"

Y/n: "But I want to be just friends for now."

Draco: "Whatever makes you happy."

You give Draco a friendly side hug.

Y/n: "Look at the time!"

Draco: "It's just 8 pm."

Y/n: "I'm going to be late!"

Draco: "Late for what?"

Y/n: "For my date with Corner! See you later, Dray."

Draco (to himself) : "Fvck."

Y/n runs back to find Hermione, leaving Draco alone, heartbroken.

THE OPPOSITES (DRACO X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now