Shrieking Fruit Bat Blood

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Draco and Y/n meet in the R.O.R. for an entire week, insulting one another and working on the veritaserum and its essay.

"I treasure the time I don't spend with you." Malfoy said, one day as he stirred the potion.

"Atleast we both agree on something." Y/n replied, cutting moonkelp.

They worked in silence for a few minutes.

"Draco.. We might have a bit of a problem." Y/n said, gravely.

"Yes, we both know you are a problem, but-"

"I'm serious! We need some Shrieking Fruit Bat Blood for the Veritaserum! Where is it?" Y/n said, mild anger radiating from her.

"About that... I kind of....forgot to let you know, and it... is not with me." Malfoy stuttered, scared.


"I'll just buy it the next weekend!" Draco said.

"YOU WILL NOT. Our potion needs to be turned in in 4 days, and the next Hogsmeade weekend is 2 weeks away. Also, if we do not add the Bat blood now, all our work is going to be wasted! Do you understand how much-" Y/n yelled.

"There is only one way out." Draco said. "We need to steal from Snape's personal store. After all, all we need is only a few drops!"

"It is already 8 p.m!" Y/n said, exasperated.

"The teachers meet in the staff room till 9 p.m. We have one hour ahead of us, without Snape in his office." Draco said.

"Let's just get this over with." Y/n said, as they both leave the R.O.R.

They climb down the floors to go to Snape's store, when on the second floor, y/n sees Filch and Mrs. Norris.

"Draco- Filch!" Y/n said, as Draco took her by the wrist and pulled her into a small, dimly lit broomstick cupboard.

"Mmmm... this smells like mahog-"Y/n's sentence was cut off by Draco, who pressed his hand onto her mouth, clearly meaning "shut up."

The cupboard was very small, so Y/n and Draco's bodies were pressed against each other. Y/n could feel Draco's breathing on her neck. After sometime

"Filch's gone. I think we should get going." Draco said.

"Thank you so much, Dray!" Y/n said.

"Thank me for what?" Draco asked.

"For saving me from Filch.. I appreciate it." Y/n said.

"Don't mention it." Draco said.

A rare, warm smile lit up his face as Y/n and Draco finally reached Snape's Office.

"Now, where would Snape keep a Shrieking Fruit Bat?" Draco thought aloud.

"Probably in a sound-proof area, so that Snape doesn't need to hear the shrieks. Probably, on the fourth line of the third shelf. Looks like a good spot." Y/n suggested.

"Y/n, you're a genius!" Draco said excitedly, as he had found a shrieking bat.

He opened the box, and the bat's blood-curdling screams filled the office.

Y/n, scared out of her wits, without even realizing, hugged Draco tightly.

Draco smiled to himself and hugged her back.

They then pulled away awkwardly and cut a slit on its bottom and collected a little blood in a vial and fought the bat back into its case.

Just then, they heard footsteps approaching.

"Draco, hide in there! I'll handle this!" Y/n said, pushing Draco into a dingy corner.

THE OPPOSITES (DRACO X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now