Yule Ball

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After Draco asked you to the ball, you had to say no many Gryffindors - Dean, Ron, Seamus and Cormac among others.

Y/n wears a beautiful gown, with brilliant hairdo and makeup (imagine any combination at all!)

Y/n enters the great hall.

Y/n: "What you staring at, huh?"

Draco: "The most beautiful girl in the world."

Y/n feels blood rush to her cheeks.

Y/n: "You don't look too bad yourself, Dray."

Draco: "May I have this dance, Ms. Potter?"

Y/n: "You may, Mr. Malfoy."



Harry: "What, Ron?"

Ron: "Y/n has come to the ball with Malfoy!"

Harry: "I can't believe this!"

Ron: "Don't worry too much mate."

Harry: "Yeah, it is just one night of dancing, I guess."

Meanwhile Draco and Y/n are dancing with all eyes on them.

Draco: "Wait here, I'll get us drinks."

Y/n: "Uh- Alright."

When Draco leaves, someone approaches Y/n.

Cormac: "Could I have a dance?"

Y/n: "Draco will be here any minute.."

Cormac: "It's not like you guys are a couple is it?"

Y/n: "N- no we're just friends!"

Cormac: "Then dance with me!"

Y/n: "Sure, I guess..."

Y/n begins dancing with Cormac, and Blaise sees them from a distance.

Blaise: "Draco, is that Y/n and Cormac?"

Draco: "That B!tch is dead-"

Draco rushes into you and Cormac

Y/n: "Cormac, Dray's here.."

Cormac: "So what?"

Y/n sees Draco getting mad.

Y/n: "Oh god.."

Draco pulls Y/n away from Cormac.

Draco : "Leave Y/n the fvck alone!"

Cormac rolls his eyes and leaves.

Draco: "What a B!tch!"

Draco and Y/n dance a little while longer. 

Draco pins Y/n to a wall.

Draco: "Did I mention that you look absolutely gorgeous today?"

Y/n: "About 5 times, yes." (chuckles)

Draco: "Still not enough."

Draco grabs Y/n's waist, pulls her closer to him. Y/n can feel his breathing on her neck. Draco presses his lips onto her cheek.

Draco: "I'm s-sorry- I just-"

Y/n: "It's fine!"

You both smile and turn around to see Hermione and Ron in a heated argument.

Y/n: "Dray, Mione and Ron don't look alright. I need to check on them. But, thanks for the lovely night!"

Draco: "I'm happy to know you had a good time. Well, goodnight."

Y/n runs up to Hermione.

Hermione: "It's Ron! He's ruined everything!"

Hermione and Y/n go back to the Girls Dorms.

Back at the dorm, Y/n tells Hermione all that happened at the ball.

Y/n: "You'll never guess what happened!"

Hermione: "What?"

Y/n: "Draco kissed me on the cheek!!"

Hermione: "I see it all coming soon - I see myself, coming to your wedding with Malfoy!"

Hermione laughs and runs away as Y/n chases her, trying to stop her from telling anyone else.

"What a night" y/n sighs, and goes to bed.

THE OPPOSITES (DRACO X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now