Love triangles and pentagons

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"I can't wait for my first date with Alanna!" Cole smiled, fixing his blue tie and spraying on some cologne.

"Neither can I!"  I giggled.

Kayla saw us both and walked up to us. Cole gulped.

"Where ya headed?" She said, smiling.

"He's going out with Alanna Beck." I smiled.

"Who's Beck?" Kayla said, her smile fading.

"Only the prettiest girl at Hogwarts." Cole said. 

Kayla stormed off.

There. My work here is done.

Harry, Ron and Mione were sitting in another corner.

Mione and Ron arguing, Harry third wheeling. Typical.

I chuckled and walked up to them.

"Y/n. Can I talk to you?" Harry said, slightly nervous.

"Urm, yeah?" I said.

We left the common room and stood in an empty corridor.

"I- think - you sh-Idontknow-" Harry blabbered.

"You're in love."  I smiled.

"Wh-what?" He said, confused.

"Yes, I will set you up with Ginny." I smiled.

Harry hugged me. "How'd you know?"

"I know my twin brother like the back of my hand." I smiled.

Honestly, I ship these guys. They'd be cute together.

"Here's the thing. Don't set me up, j-just- how do I get her to like me?" Harry said.


I turned to see Draco.

"Talk to ya later, baby Brother!" I laughed, as I walked up to Draco.

"BUT I'M 3 minutes OLDER THAN YOU!" Harry said desperately.


I took Draco's arm and walked out the corridor with him.

As of Harry's question, Ginny is already head over heels for him.

"Hold up Draco." I said.

I left his arm, and walked back up to Harry. Draco looked befuddled

"W-wait. Didn't you go on a date? With Gin?" I asked.

"We- did. But I told her it was a dare. I lied, I know, but I was too nervous-" Harry wailed.

"You've screwed up, but I still might be able to pull a few strings."  I said in disbelief."


"So, Kayla likes Nev, And Cole likes Kayla. Harry likes Ginny but he's screwed up." I sighed, licking my icecream.

"Gah!" Draco laughed.

"You've got all these girls sighing over you. Tell me, how does it feel?" I asked.

"Oh please! You've got Nott, Brewer, McLaggen, Corner, Zabini, and during fourth year- Cedric, all sighing over you!" Draco sneered.

"What? Blaise Zabini?" I asked.

"Uh huh." He nodded, licking on some icecream. I rested my head on his shoulder. He gently kissed my head


We turned around to see Snape.

"Got to go love." Draco said, as he pecked my lips.

"Dr- Snape is fcking watching us!" I seethed.

"Do I look like I care?" He smirked.

Draco left with Snape.

I really think Snape's a death eater. But again, Dumbledore trusts him. Who am I to have such suspicions?

I returned to the common room for something ✨interesting.✨

"SO WHAT IF I KISSED HER?" Cole yelled.

I hope he means Alanna.

A tear rolled down Kayla's cheek. "TALLANTALEGRA!" 

Cole was hit by the dancing leg jinx by her.

"GODRIC's GARGOYLE's!" Cole yelled.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" I yelled.

"It's none of your business, Y/n Potter!" Kayla yelled.

This is not like Kayla. WAIT HOLY CHEESE-

Kayla ran up the girls dorm. I undid Cole's jinx. Cole adjusted his tie and ran up the boys' dorm.

"I'll go after Cole, you take down Kayla." 

I saw a hand on my shoulder. A hand I knew too well. Harry.

I nodded.

I ran up the girls dorm.

Kayla was crying, sobbing. I grabbed her shoulders.

"Kayla?" I said.


"W-what?" I said.


"Wait- it's not- like you like Cole, is it?" I asked.

"Uhm- I kinda do. I like Neville and Cole, I don't know." She sobbed.

Oh god. Why is this all so twisted? 


"Are you done with the vanishing cabinet?" Snape asked.

"Y-yes." I said.

"Good then. And you are aware of our planning?" Snape asked.

"Y-y-yes." I gulped.

"Next Week, you complete your task. Don't worry, I'll help." Snape said.

"I don't need your help!" I yelled.

"How do you think you are going to kill Dumbledore?" Snape seethed.

"I can! And I will!" I said, seething.

Y/n is going to hate me forever if she finds out.

THE OPPOSITES (DRACO X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now