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I rushed into the common room, to see Blaise still up.

Blaise: "Who got you smiling like that, eh?" 

"Y/n, she replied. Look! She called me her beautiful boy!" I said, handing the letter to Blaise, who read it through and stared at me.

"What, isn't she just brilliant? I mean, my heart melts every time she calls me Dray, but I think I could just explode if she called me beautiful boy.." I said dreamily.

"You're such a simp, Malfoy." Blaise laughed, handing the letter back.

"Only for Y/n." I smiled, and went back to bed.

Y/n's POV

Hermione: "So, Draco says he just doesn't want to be seen in public?"

Y/n: "He never said it, but that is what he wants. His father.."

Hermione: "Oh."

Kayla burst in with replies for the invites.

Kayla: "I had all the house prefects approve the party" She said, primly.

I looked at the approvals, and saw a beautiful writing I knew too well- from my boy, my beautiful boy.

Kayla Michelle Goldstein,

As Slytherin prefect, I approve your party this weekend. All Slytherins from our year consent to attending the same.

P.S. Please let my princess know that the invites- they were amazing. I know only she would have designed something like that.

Sincerely, Draco Lucius Malfoy.

My heart soared, and my eyes were fixed only on the words my princess.

Hermione: "Wipe that grin off - wait, Malfoy called you..HIS PRINCESS?"

Kayla: "He really knows you, and loves you so much, why would you guys break up?"

"Well, he comes from a pureblood supremacist family, and I'm half-blooded, you know." I lied. I hadn't even told Harry I knew Dray was a death eater. I could not do something like this- reveal something he trusted me with- his darkest secret.

I saw Kayla smile painfully.

Hermione breathed heavily and said, "Well, I figured you could go to the party with Boot or Brewer."

"About that, I'd rather go with Brewer, I mean we're friends." I said, unsurely.

Mione nodded and smiled.

"Well, my crush is taking me to the party!" Kayla said.

"OOOOOHHHHH!" Me and mione jeered, excited.

"WHOOOOOOO??" We jeered again.

"You'll see." She smiled.

"By the way, Harry's going with Ginny, and Ron.. he er- won't tell me." Romilda said, bursting in.

Soon enough I found that Seamus and Romilda were a couple, Dean was going with Lav (honestly wtf) and Veronica was going with Boot, since no one wanted her.

Who is Draco going with?

TIME CUT                  

"Ooooh! This is the biggest party of the year!" Ginny squealed, touching up on her makeup.

"I am so excited!" Hermione squealed, brushing her hair.

I was wearing a beautiful golden dress with a flowing golden netted cloak to match. Glossy golden gloves covered my hands. My hair were in a beautiful bun. Red lipstick, golden eye makeup and red blush to complete a look fit for a queen. 

Kayla: "Oh my god! Your dress- you look stunning Y/n!"

I laughed as I looked for my wand.                   

Romilda and Lavender were arguing about the best shade of lipstick - but I left, wand in hand, to find Jack Brewer waiting for me in the common room.

"Wow, you look great!" He said, giving me his arm which I gladly took.

"You look good, but, there's something missing." I said, as I magicked his tie into a bowtie.

"Neat!" He chuckled, as we left for the R.O.R, for the biggest party to ever happen at Hogwarts. I still don't get it - Why did Goldstein get permit?  Who is the lucky girl Draco will go to the party with?

THE OPPOSITES (DRACO X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now