Best day of my life

586 9 14

Y/n's POV

We're Screwed.

"Harr-" I began.


I grabbed him by his arms and whispered in his ear. "You think Dray's a death eater just because he's Malfoy's son! Just because of your stupid enimosity! Have you thought about Crabbe and Goyle? Voldemort would have made their sons death eaters too! But you don't suspect them. This is just because of your petty little grudges for each other! Give them up, and we can ease the tension!"

I hate lying to Harry. But this is for the best. Harry looked at me apologetically.

"Shake hands." I said, looking at Harry and then at Draco. They looked awkwardly at me.

"I said, shake, hands." I said, more determined.

And so they did.

"From now on, STOP HATING ON EACH OTHER!" I yelled.

"Like that's possible." Harry mumbled.

"Hug." I said.

Harry and Draco looked like I had just murdered 12 people at the same time.

"I.said. Hug." I said, as Draco bent his arm awkwardly and so did Harry, placing them on each others backs.

I swear to god, this is the most awkward embrace I've ever seen. Enough awkwardness for today.

"Mr. Malfoy, my office. Now." 

I turned to see Snape.

Draco nodded, bit his lip and followed Snape to his office. Me and Harry decided to go to the common room for a game of wizards chess.

I was worried, was Snape going to get Dray in trouble?


"I'm Sorry, professor! Please- Don't tell father." I said, unable to restrain my tears.

"I have told you, I lost the girl I loved. I will not let that happen to you." Snape said, pain in his voice.

"We have a plan. We kill Dumbledore, and then, if all goes well, Potter, Weasley and insufferable know-it-all Granger and your little girlfriend will succeed in defeating the Dark Lord. But till then, Draco, hold your horses." Snape said in his monotonous voice.

We both were secretly working against the Dark Lord. Snape to me, was a father figure I was blessed to have.

"Thank you, Professor. You have no idea what this means to me." I said.

"You have no idea what this means to me Draco." Snape said.

Was there something he was hiding from me? Did it have something to do with the girl he loved?

I left his office, questions flooding my brain.

I saw Y/n standing in the courtyard with her brother, Weaselbee and Granger.


"Checkmate!" I yelled, as Harry held his face in his hands. I was way better at wizards chess than he was.

We decided to take a stroll in the courtyard.We reached to see a not so unique sight, nothing out of the blue.

Ickle Ronniekins and Mionekins arguing like an old married couple. If they are not in love, I'm marrying Umbridge.

We tried to calm them down, when I saw Dray. His beautiful hair fluttered in the wind as he walked up to me.

I need Mione, Ron and Harry to accept him if we want this to work out.

"So, Mione, Ron, I want you and Draco to turn a new leaf."I said, trying to be confident.

Again, everyone looked at me like I was being taken away in a body bag.

"So now, you'll be apologizing and starting fresh. Draco can go first." I said, pulling him towards Mione and Ron.

"I'm sorry for calling you a mudblood, Hermione. Ronald, I'm sorry about joking about your family. Harry, I should never have joked about your parents. Let's be friends, for Y/n. Please?" Draco said, in a very humane way.

"Where is Draco, and what have you done with him?" I laughed.

"The question is, what have you done with him?" He smirked.

Mione, Harry and Ron exchanged looks. Ending 6 years of enimosity.  With an archenemy. A person who sang Weasley is our king just last week during the quidditch match, who gave Hermione obnoxiously long teeth- even though by accident. Yeah, it's definitely not an easy task.

Just then, a quavering hand offered Draco's a handshake.

Harry. His hand. 

Me and Harry share quite a relation. We'd catch a grenade for each other, but no, you are not having the last slice of pie.

"For Y/n." Harry said.

"For Y/n." Ron, Mione and Draco said, as they exchanged handshakes and smiled at each other.

This is the best day of my life.

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