Centaurs and golden fangs

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Harry: "How in the world are we entering?"

Draco: "Hermione, you and I will do this."

Draco devises a plan with Hermione.


(knock knock)

Umbridge: "Enter!"

Hermione: "Professor, I have some questions with the theory  of protego."

Umbridge: "Silent reading should have been sufficient."

Hermione: "Please, professor, help me out."

Hermione acts as a diversion. Draco enters under Harry's invisibility cloak. He searches very long, and opens the wardrobe and steps into it , and to his relief, finds Y/n. He drops the liquid on Y/n as she opens her eyes.

Draco: "Shh. Get in the cloak."

Y/n and Draco leave Umbridge's office under the cloak. Hermione leaves shortly after.

Once they are at a safe distance-

Draco: "I- I'm sorry for not having been there for you. I-"

Y/n: "We all make mistakes, Dray. It's fine."

Draco grabs Y/n's waist and kisses her passionately.

Draco: "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to- i just-"

Y/n cuts him off with a kiss.

Draco smiles at her and holds her hand.

Draco: "Wh-what's that?"

Y/n: "I- dunno."

They look at her hand- It has grown a symbol resembling her scar.

Y/n: "There is a lot to speak about, but first, I need to see Harry."

Draco: "Sure, anything!"


Y/n finds Harry, and hugs him

Harry: "Y/n." (tears of joy)

Y/n: "Listen to me carefully."

Harry nods.

Y/n: "The bewitched towel did something, and I am still figuring out what. But since that night, I've been getting nightmares about the Basilisk.. the one we saw in the chamber of secrets... and Sirius.. and a, snake. A giant serpent, with golden fangs and hide. What's more, my scar has replicated onto my hand. The nightmares would only come when I slept, but now, I see them even when I'm awake. I decided I needed Divination."

Harry: "Did you take Trelawney's help?"

Y/n: "No. I decided to ask the centaurs. I put the notes for you all and went to find them. But umbridge found me in the Forbidden forest, and I- i don't know wh-what happened after that."

Harry: "I- wait. Dumbledore said you- you were found life-lifeless outside the forbidden forest."

Y/n: "That explains everything. The body wasn't me. It was someone polyjuiced into me, but they died."

Harry: "We need to meet Dumbledore."

Y/n: "Certainly."


Dumbledore: "Y/n and Harry. Sit down. Have a lemon drop."

The twins politely eat one lemon drop each.

Y/n: "Professor."

Dumbledore: "I know, Y/n. You don't need to tell me. And the scar on your hand, the centaurs say it will disappear tonight. Along with the nightmares."

Y/n: "Thank you, professor Dumbledore."

Harry: "The dead body professor? What about it?"

Dumbledore: "Created with Dark magic. But, we teachers will take care of it. Don't think too much about it, and you, Y/n, please do not go looking for more trouble."

Y/n: "I do not go looking for trouble, professor. Trouble usually finds me."

Dumbledore: "If that is all have a good day."

Harry: "You too, sir."

You and Harry leave the office, and let Hermione, Draco and Ron know everything about the towel affair.

Draco: "Y/n, can- can we speak in private?"

Y/n: "Excuse me guys."

At a little distance from the Trio-

Draco: "Y/n. I just wanted to say, I'm really very sorry for not being there for you and- kissing you, I know I shouldn't have done that because you are with Corner now."

Y/n: "I forgive you. By the way, I'm not with Corner. It was one date, and that's all. Total creep, that guy."

Draco: "Does that- mean- you could, you know.. give me another chance?"

Y/n kisses Draco.

Draco: "I think I got my answer."

You smile.


You are eating with the Golden Trio.

Y/n: "I feel like I could eat the whole of Hogwarts and still feel hungry."

Y/n picks up a treacle tart and Ron slaps her hand

Y/n: "Oi Ron! What was that for?"

Ron: "Don't you dare eat my tarts!"

Seamus laughs loudly and taunts, "Ickle ronniekins, throwing tantrums!"

Ron: "I'll show you!"

Ron chases Seamus. Harry, Hermione and Y/n laugh.

Draco approaches the Gryffindor table.

Draco: "You have something of mine, and I'd like it back."

Y/n: "Your- quill? Ohh, it's still in my dorm but-"

Draco: "I'm here to get you, idiot!"

Dean(stifling a laugh) : "Someone's possessive."

Draco: "Someone's single."

Everyone laughs as Draco drags Y/n by the arm and into a corner.

Y/n: "Sup, blondie?"

Draco: "Let's go somewhere fun."

Y/n: "Where?"

Draco (smirks) : "My dorm."

Y/n: "Ew, Malfoy, stop."

Draco: "What do you mean Ew? I'm your boyfriend for crying out loud! And, I was only joking."

Y/n: "Thank god."

Draco: "You are my date for the Slytherin party."

THE OPPOSITES (DRACO X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now