Malfoy Manor

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Once the put-outer brought Ronald back to our tent, the Horcrux hunt seemed to have picked pace. Now that the daft dimbo was back, there were better things to do.

Like, keep Harry under control.

"Don't you dare say You-know -who's name!" Hermione commanded.

" I'm not scared of saying it, like you all are!" Harry shrieked.

" It's not mere fear, Harry! Saying his name is dangerous because it summons the -"  I began.

"I'll say it. Voldemort. Did anything happen? " Harry snapped.

We could hear footsteps approaching the tent. "looks like it did." I said through gritted teeth. Almost reading each others minds, me and Mione transfigured my and my brother's faces.

The cover of the tent was held open by a few deatheaters leaded by Greyback. They were thinking of what they could do with us. Before we knew it, we had been grabbed and apparated to a dark building. Malfoy Manor.


"Do you recognise them? Are these the Potters, Draco? " Lucius said gripping onto Draco's neck.

The boy... looked dreadful. His pale skin appeared a shade of grey, his eyes glistening with pure terror. He noticed the neckIace I wore and he surely knew it was us. His eyes had lost their usual spark.

"I .. don't know." Draco said. Lucius whispered something to him, only for another I don't know.

"Take them to the cellar! Now, let me have a talk with them both about this, girl to girl! " Bellatrix said, flashing her remaining teeth. Harry And Ron were dragged off.

Good luck making it out alive, Y/n Potter. 

"What do you know about The sword? " She asked us, but we refused to utter a single word.

"Crucio!" She cackled, knocking us  to the floor as we writhed in pain. Thick tears rolled down Draco's face, unable to do anything.

Ron and Harry ran up to us, and I wondered who had let them out and why. "What do you know? " Bellatrix said, turning to Mione.

 " Don't tell her, 'Mione! " Ronald yelled. Screw you, ron!

"Hermione? The mud blood my lord is looking for?" Bellatrix cackled. She grabbed Hermione's arm and began carving into it, withdrawing blood-curdling screams from her.

"These are the people my lord wants. What are you waiting for ? Call him." Bellatrix called out to Draco, who swallowed the lump in his throat, shaking.

"Call him. Call him!" Bellatrix called, making Draco slowly dissapear from view. Harry grabbed my, Ron's and Mione's hands, trying to apparate us out. Lucius, noting this, used his dark mark to crash a chandelier onto us.

" YOU SHALL NOT HARM THE POTTERS! " Dobby yelled, jumping infront of us, snapping his fingers, making the chandelier float in midair.

we had almost apparated when a knife blew towards us, Dobby jumped and let it hit himself. Dobby grabbed onto my arm, and we apparated to somewhere safer.


"Here lies Dobby, a free elf. "

We sobbed and held onto each other. All this death. First Hedwig, now Dobby.

THE OPPOSITES (DRACO X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now